206-3369-AR E F E R E N C E G L O S SA R Y P A G E 2 1A completelist ofdefinitionsfor wordsfound inthis guide.Glossary75 OHM RF CABLE The wire that comes from an off-air antenna or cable service provider.The end looks like a hex-shaped nut with a wire sticking through themiddle. It screws onto the threaded jack on the back of your TV.300 TO 75 OHM A small device that connects a two-wire 300 ohm antenna to aADAPTER 75 ohm RF jack. They are usually about an inch long with two screws onone end and a round opening with a wire sticking out on the other end.A/V CABLES Audio/Video cables. Three cables bunched together—right audio (red),left audio (white), and video (yellow). A/V cables are used for stereoplayback of videocassettes and for higher quality picture and soundfrom other A/V devices.ADD This function lets you add new channels to list that you'll scroll throughwhen using your remote.ANTENNA The physical receiver of television signals sent over the air. A largemetal piece of equipment does not always have to be visible for yourhome to be using an antenna.AUTO PROGRAM Auto Program has your Entertainment Machine automatically find all thechannels available in your area.BLOCK Restrict or censor a channel for a set length of time.DELETE This function lets you remove channels that you don't watch from thelist you'll scroll through using your remote.INPUT Refers to the jack that receives a signal from a TV, VCR or otherA/V device.JACK A connection on the back of a TV, VCR, or any other A/V device.MONO SOUND Mono (monaural) sound is one channel of sound. On more than onespeaker, all the speakers play the same audio.OUTPUT Refers to the jack that sends a signal out of a VCR, DVD, or otherA/V device.SECOND AUDIO Second Audio Programming (SAP) is another, separate, audio channelPROGRAMMING/SAP available with some programming. Choosing SAP often refers to listeningto audio in another language, such as Spanish or French.SIGNAL Picture and sound traveling through cable, or on the air, to yourtelevision screen.STEREO SOUND Stereo (stereophonic) sound refers to audio that’s divided into right andleft sides.TUNER Device that picks up the signal and turns them intopicture and sound.