P A G E 2 1206-3371-AO P E R AT I O N M E N U SProgramming the RemoteThe device you want to programshould be ON.On the chart in this manual, findthe type of device you’re program-ming and then find the brandname. Make a note of the three-digit code—you’ll need it soon.Press and hold the PRG key. It’srecessed so it doesn’t get pushedaccidentally. When the indicatorlight turns on, you can releasethe button.Push the button with the name ofthe device you’re programming(VCR, CABLE, AUX, TV).Using the number pad, enter thethree digit code found on thechart in the Reference section.Press ENTER to save the code Theindicator light will flash threetimes and turn off if the code wasaccepted..Aim the remote at the device andpush the POWER button. It shouldturn off. If not, try the othercodes listed and continue fromstep three.Programming your Zenith remotewill allow you to use one remoteto work up to 7 different devices!Not all devices will work with yourZenith remote control.1234567PRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVAENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWINDRECORDQUITBCDEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPFFWDTV/VCRSOURCE3Indicator Light6745Program yourremote towork with avast range ofA/ V devices.