P A G E 4 0 206-3643PRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITABCCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOP5/73624Indicator LightRemote Control Auto-Find1234567You can quickly get out of Auto Find by pressing QUIT.If the indicator light stays on while you push Power, insteadof turning off, all the codes have been tried and the devicecan’t be programmed.If Programming the Remote did not find your code, try this procedure to automatically find the codefor your device. If your remote becomes inoperable, go back to “Programming your Remote” andenter the Zenith TV code for step fiveTurn on the device you want the remote to control.Press and hold PRG until the indicator light turns on,then release PRG.Press the key for the device you are trying to pro-gram (CABLE, VCR, AUX, TV).Press 0-0-0 (zero-zero-zero), then press ENTER rightaway.Point the remote at the correct device and push thePOWER key (The indicator light will turn off whilethe POWER key is pressed). Allow a second to pass,then push the POWER key again. Repeat until thedevice turns off.Push ENTER to save the code (The indicator light willflash 3 times and then turn off).Press POWER to turn the device back on.