206-3802P A G E 2 2Selecting Captions/Text Options1234Turn on Closed Captioning or Captions when sound is Muted, then choose a Closed Captions or Text optionCaptions come in handy when the television is on mute. Standard closedcaptioning is available using the Caption 1 option.Not all programming has closed captioning or text available, even thoughCaptions 1, 2, 3, 4, and Text 1, 2, 3, 4 are available to broadcasters.Press MENU repeatedly to select the SETUP menu.Use the Up/Down arrow to choose Captions, then press the Rightarrow.Use the Up/Down arrow to select Off, On or EZ Mute, then pressthe Right arrow.Note: If you selected either On or EZ Mute, then use theUp/Down/Left/Right arrows to choose an option from theCaption/Text menu: Caption 1, Caption 2, Caption 3, Caption 4,Text 1, Text 2, Text 3, or Text 4. To have that option appear whenthe TV is muted or a program is tuned to that has ClosedCaptions or Text.Press QUIT to remove menu and return to TV viewing.Caption/Text sets up your Entertainment Machine to receive variousclosed caption and text options if provided by broadcasters.Availability and functionality of Caption/Text is determined only by thebroadcaster.Mini glossaryCAPTIONS The term for the words that scroll across the bottom of the TV screen; usually the audio portion of the program providedfor the hearing impaired.TEXT The term for the words that appear in a large black frame and almost cover the entire screen; usually messages providedby the broadcaster.OFFONEZ MUTENEXTNEXT MENUEZ PROGRAMADD/DEL/SURFEZ CLOCKCAPTIONSCAPTION/TEXTLANGUAGESOURCE MENUSETUPMENU MOVECAPTION 1CAPTION 2CAPTION 3CAPTION 4TEXT 1TEXT 2TEXT 3TEXT 4NEXTNEXT MENUEZ PROGRAMADD/DEL/SURFEZ CLOCKCAPTIONSCAPTION/TEXTLANGUAGESOURCE MENUSETUPMENU MOVEPRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITPIPSWAPFREEZCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOP4132/32/32/3