8. Deflection Adjustment8-1. Preliminary steps(1) Select INSTART key on the Remote Control and thenselect “3. RASTER Adj” with key No. 3.(2) Make Green raster using lens cover.8-2. Adjustment(1) After selecting V-SIZE mode, adjust until “A” from upperand lower center of the screen is accord with the last pointof the frame by pressing the volume key(2) After selecting H-SIZE mode, adjust until “B” fromoutermost of the frame by pressing volume key.9. Lens Focus and Electronic FocusAdjustment9-1. Preliminary steps(1) Electronic focus,Raster slope & Raster position must bepre-adjusted.(2) Heat-run over 45 minutes.(3) Tune the TV set to receive Cross Hatch(4) Adjustment must be operated in a dark room(simple darkroom) and pay attention not to touch the lens duringadjustment.(5) Make any one color raster using lens cover.(6) Rotating lens right from the front side chromatic aberrationoccurs beside Cross-hatch line changes as follows;.9-2. Green Lens Adjustment(1) Turn the lens until the chromatic aberration changed Blueto Red point.(2) Observing all screen, if the tendency of chromaticaberration is non-linear, adjust to appear Red chromaticaberration in 3.5 Cross-Hatch section at center screen.At this time, in case that the difference of bright line of Redchromatic aberration is not equal at both sides, adjust tohave more Red chromatic abberration.(3) Switching the signal to 14CH and operate adjustmentminutely.(4) Adjust Green focus control volume of focus pack so thatthe external big circle's part appeared cleary.(5) Adjust accurately by repeat the upper control.(6) Especially, noting to the Green light because it influencedon picture's function.9-3. Red Lens Adjustment(1) Turn the lens until the chromatic aberration changedorange to scarlet.(2) Adjust the chromatic aberration so that it located centercorrectly.(3) Switching the signal to 14CH and adjust it as samemethod of Green lens.(4) Adjust as same method of Green lens with Red focuscontrol volume of focus pack.9-4. Blue Lens Adjustment(1) Rotate the lens until the chromatic abberration of 3.5Cross-Hatch left from center point changes from Violet toGreen. Adjust the chromatic abberration to be center pointbetween violet and green.(2) Adjust the chromatic aberration become center of purpleand green.(3) Adjust as same method of Green lens with Blue focuscontrol volume of focus pack.ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION168V!0.5VGNDHorizontalCenter LineVerticalCenter LineA BCHROMATICABERRATIONCROSS HATCHSIGNALLensRedGreenBlueChange of chromatic aberrationOrange $ ScarletBlue $ RedPurple $ Green