26and : Tap to move to another channel.►and: Tap to broadcast and pause.3.36 SearchGoogle can be used to search the information you want.3.36 ContactsThe “Contacts” lets you easily call your colleagues or friends, orsend emails or short messages to them. You may add contacts directlyfrom your phone, or synchronize “Contacts” with any application onyour computer. You may open “Contacts” directly from the Main screen,or open it via the “Dialing” application.Add a contact:To add a contact, directly enter the name and phone number, orimport the name and phone number from the SIM card. (The quantity ofcontacts you can add is limited by the memory of your phone.)Search for contacts:To search for a contact, press the Search key in search screen, anda search box will pop up. In the search box, enter the key words, suchas first name, second name, and company name. While you areentering the key word, the matching contacts immediately appear.Edit a contact:To edit details of a contact, select “Edit a contact”.Delete a contact:To delete the current contact, select “Delete a contact”.