Operating instructionsS3G450-LC28-51Translation of the original operating instructionsFaulty connection Isolate from supply,correct connection;see connectiondiagram.Thermal overloadprotector activatedAllow motor to cooloff, locate and rectifycause of error,release restart lockoutif necessaryMotor/electronicsovertemperatureDeficient cooling Improve cooling. Letthe device cool down.To reset the errormessage, switch offthe line voltage for atleast 25 s and thenswitch it on again.Ambient temperaturetoo highReduce the ambienttemperature.Reset by reducingcontrol input to 0.Impermissible point ofoperationCorrect the operatingpoint. Let the devicecool down.In the event of further malfunctions, contact ebm-papst.6.1 CleaningNOTEDamage to the device during cleaningMalfunction possible→ Do not clean the device using a water jet or high-pressurecleaner.→ Do not use any acid, alkali or solvent-basedcleaningagents.→ Do not use any pointed or sharp-edged objects for cleaning6.2 Safety inspectionNOTEHigh-voltage testThe integrated EMC filter has Y capacitors. The tripping currentis exceeded when AC testing voltage is applied.→ Test the device with DC voltage when you perform thelegally required high-voltage test. The voltage to be usedcorresponds to the peak value of the AC voltage required bythe standard.What to check How to check How often What action?Contactprotectioncover forintactness ordamageVisual inspection At least every6 monthsRepair orreplacement ofdeviceDevice fordamage toblades andhousingVisual inspection At least every6 monthsReplacement ofdeviceFastening thecablesVisual inspection At least every6 monthsFastenFastening theprotective earthterminalVisual inspection At least every6 monthsFastenInsulation ofcables fordamageVisual inspection At least every6 monthsReplace cablesCondensationdrainage holesfor clogging,where necessaryVisual inspection At least every6 monthsOpen holesWelds for crackformationVisual inspection At least every6 monthsReplace deviceAbnormalbearing noiseacoustic At least every6 monthsReplace device6.3 DisposalFor ebm-papst, environmental protection and resource preservation aretop priority corporate goals.ebm-papst operates an environmental management system which iscertified in accordance with ISO 14001 and rigorously implementedaround the world on the basis of German standards.Right from the development stage, ecological design, technical safetyand health protection are fixed criteria.The following section contains recommendations for ecological disposalof the product and its components.6.3.1 Country-specific legal requirementsNOTECountry-specific legal requirementsAlways observe the applicable country-specific legalregulations with regard to the disposal of products or wasteoccurring in the various phases of the life cycle. Thecorresponding disposal standards are also to be heeded.6.3.2 DisassemblyDisassembly of the product must be performed or supervised byqualified personnel with the appropriate technical knowledge.The product is to be disassembled into suitable components for disposalemploying standard procedures for motors.WARNINGHeavy parts of the product may drop off. Some of theproduct components are heavy. These componentscould drop off during disassembly.This can result in fatal or serious injury and material damage.→ Secure components before unfastening to stop them falling.6.3.3 Component disposalThe products are mostly made of steel, copper, aluminum and plastic.Metallic materials are generally considered to be fully recyclable.Separate the components for recycling into the following categories:● Steel and iron● Aluminum● Non-ferrous metal, e.g. motor windings● Plastics, particularly with brominated flame retardants, in accordancewith marking● Insulating materials● Cables and wires● Electronic scrap, e.g. circuit boardsItem no. 50831-5-9970 · ENU · Change 90549 · Approved 2017-03-17 · Page 11 / 12ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG · Bachmühle 2 · D-74673 Mulfingen · Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 · Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 · info1@de.ebmpapst.com · www.ebmpapst.com