ebm-papst S4E350-AN02-60-CTN Operating Instructions Manual
Part NumberOperating InstructionsItem no. LS-090. Revision 003 Release 18/11/2015 Page 1 of 9ebm-papst A&NZ Pty Ltd 10 Oxford Road · Laverton North VIC 3026 · Phone +61 (03) 9360 6400 · Fax +61 (03) 9360 6464ABN 33 115 927 556 NSW Phone +61 (02) 9827 6400 · NSW Fax +61 (02) 9827 6464 · NZ Phone +64 (09) 525 0245 · NZ Fax +64 (09) 525 0246sales@ebmpapst.com.au · www.ebmpapst.com.auS4E350-AN02-60-CTNebm-papst A&NZ Pty Ltd10 Oxford RoadLaverton North VIC 3026AustraliaPhone: +61 3 9360 6400Fax: +61 3 9360 6464sales@ebmpapst.com.auwww.ebmpapst.com.auCONTENTS1. SAFETY REGULATIONS AND NOTES .......................... 11.1 Hazard levels for warnings ............................................... 11.2 Staff qualification .............................................................. 11.3 Basic safety rules ............................................................. 11.4 Voltage ............................................................................. 11.5 Safety and protective features .......................................... 21.6 Elecrtomagnetic radiation ................................................. 21.7 Mechanical movement...................................................... 21.8 Emission ........................................................................... 21.9 Hot surface ....................................................................... 21.10 Transport .......................................................................... 21.11 Storage ............................................................................. 22. INTENDED USE ............................................................... 33. TECHNICAL DATA .......................................................... 43.1 Product drawing ................................................................ 43.2 Nominal data .................................................................... 53.3 Technical description ........................................................ 53.4 Mounting data ................................................................... 53.5 Transport and storage conditions ..................................... 54. CONNECTION AND START-UP ..................................... 64.1 Mechanical connection ..................................................... 64.2 Connecting the electrical system ...................................... 64.2.1 Requirements ..................................................... 64.2.2 Voltage control .................................................... 64.2.3 Variable frequency drive ..................................... 74.3 Connection in terminal box ............................................... 74.3.1 Preparing connection lines for the connection ... 74.3.2 Connecting cables with terminals ....................... 74.3.3 Cable routing ...................................................... 74.4 Connection diagram ......................................................... 84.5 Checking connections ...................................................... 84.6 Switching on the device .................................................... 84.7 Switching off the device .................................................... 85. MAINTENANCE, MALFUNCTIONS, POSSIBLECAUSES AND REMEDIES .............................................. 85.1 Cleaning ........................................................................... 95.2 Safety inspection .............................................................. 95.3 Disposal ............................................................................ 95.3.1 Country-specific legal requirements ................... 95.3.2 Disassembly ....................................................... 95.3.3 Component disposal ........................................... 91. SAFETY REGULATIONS AND NOTESRead these operating instructions carefully before starting workon the device. Observe the following warnings to preventmalfunctions or danger to persons.These operating instructions are to be regarded as part of thedevice. The device is only to be sold or passed on together withthe operating instructions.These operating instructions may be duplicated and distributedto inform about potential dangers and their prevention.1.1 Hazard levels for warningsThese operating instructions use the following hazard levels toindicate potentially hazardous situations and important safetyregulations:DANGERIndicates an imminently hazardous situation whichwill result in death or serious injury if the specifiedactions are not taken. Compliance with theinstructions is imperative.WARNINGIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which canresult in death or serious injury if the specified actionsare not taken. Exercise extreme caution whileworking.CAUTIONIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which canresult in minor or moderate injury or damage toproperty if the specified actions are not taken.NOTEA potentially harmful situation can occur and, if notavoided, can lead to property damage.1.2 Staff qualificationThe device may only be transported, unpacked, installed,operated, maintained and otherwise used by suitably qualified,trained and authorised staff.Only authorised specialists are permitted to install the device, tocarry out a test run and to perform work on the electricalinstallation.1.3 Basic safety rulesThe safety hazards associated with the device must beassessed again following installation in the final product.Note the following when working on the device: Do not perform any modifications, additions or conversionson the device without the approval of ebm-papst A&NZ.1.4 Voltage Check the electrical equipment of the device at regularintervals, see Chapter 5.2 Safety inspection. Replace loose connections and defective cablesimmediately. |
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