IC-M29Page 15 / 58 Rev 1.04.7 Strobe Output CircuitStrobe output signal is output through TTL Driver IC of 3.3 V output level and pulsewidth of signal is output in synchronization with exposure of camera.Fig 4.9 Strobe Output Schematic5. Functions and Operations5.1 Basic FunctionsThe ICM29 cameras is a interline transfer CCD camera with 29 Mega pixelsmonochrome. The interface to the host PC is via digital Camera Link. Output video as8,10,12bits. The camera also features several preprocessing functions. There are twotrigger modes in addition to continuous operation. The PreSelect and Pulse Widthtrigger modes are available with a unique Automatic LVAL sync or async selectionfunction. Below the functions are described in detail below.5.2 Trigger operationTrigger mode of camera is divided into FreeRun mode where image is synchronized toInternal Trigger signal created inside camera, and External Sync mode where image issynchronized to the trigger signal entered in external port.5.2.1 Free Run ModeIn FreeRun mode, the cycle of internal trigger signal is determined by Transfer Time (1Frame data transmission time) and Exposure setting value, and image is obtained withsuch periodic signal. FreeRun mode is always operating in overlap mode(Exposure timeshould be within 1 frame transfer time224.7ms)