32. Appearance3. Main Features Compatible with LoRaWAN protocol 2 sections ER14505 3.6V Lithium AA battery Current & Illuminance detection (3 Lux- 220k Lux) Protection level : Main body IP53, Sensor IP30 Compatible with LoRaWAN TM Class A Frequency hopping spread spectrum technology Configuration parameters can be configured through third-party software platforms, data can be read and alarms can be set viaSMS text and email (optional) Available third-party platform: Actility / ThingPark, TTN, MyDevices/Cayenne Low power consumption and long battery lifeNote: Battery life is determined by the sensor reporting frequency and other variables, please refer tohttp://www.netvox.com.tw/electric/electric_calc.htmlOn this website, users can find battery life time for varied models at different configurations.Light SensorIndicatorFunction KeyCT