Height Rider/SP SeriesOperating & Safety InstructionsEnglish/USA – 03/10Original instructions21 Introduction and General Information1.1 FOREWORDThe purpose of these manuals is to provide the customer with appropriate safety operating andmaintenance instructions essential for proper machine operation.All information in these manuals should be READ and fully UNDERSTOOD before any attempt is madeto operate the machine. THESE MANUALS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TOOLS - Keep them with themachine at all times.The manufacturer has no direct control over machine application and use, thereforeconformance with good safety practices is the responsibility of the user and his operatingpersonnel.All information in these manuals is based on the use of the machine under proper operatingconditions. Alteration and/or modification of the machine are strictly forbidden.One of the most important facts to remember is that any equipment is only as safe as thosewho operate it.DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, IMPORTANT, INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICEAny place these topics may appear, either in this manual or on the machine, they are defined asfollows:DANGER: If not correctly followed there is a high probability of serious injury or death to personnel.WARNING OR CAUTION: If not correctly followed there is some possibility of serious injury or death topersonnel.THE 'SAFETY ALERT' SYMBOL IS USED TO CALL ATTENTION TO POTENTIALHAZARDS THAT MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH, IF IGNORED.IMPORTANT AND INSTRUCTIONS: Denotes procedures essential to safe operation and prevention ofdamage to or destruction of the machine.NOTICE: Indicates general safety rules and/or procedures relating to the machine.It is the owner's/user's responsibility to know and comply with all applicable rules,regulations, laws, codes and any other requirements applicable to the safe use of thisequipment.