All rights reserved Page 13 of 25Heating elementThe unit is prepared for installation of a supplementary heating element. If the element is suppliedand fitted by Nilan, it will be activated in the CTS 602 control system.A water or electrical heating element can be retrofitted. The element must be activated in the CTS602 control system to work as part of the unit, and to activate frost protection for the element.Use of the CTS602 panel:- press ESC to go one step back in the menu- press qpto move up or down in a menu or to adjust an activatedmenu- press ENTER to activate a menu- press ENTER to confirm a menu- press OFF to turn off the unit- press ON to turn the unit onHEATINGSURFACESERVICE ENTERENTERAIREXCHANGEDEFROSTINLETCONTROLTEMP.CONTROLMANUELOFFRESETOFFROOMKONTROLAIRQUALITYShould be chosenwhen installing anelectrical heatingsurface, controlledvia 0-10 V signalDelay betweenstart of ventilatorsand heatingsurface (0 – 60minutes)DELAY2 MINENTERSELECTWATERSUPSELECT0–10 VVALGSELECT”PERIOD””0–10 V”VALG”0/5/10 V”SELECT”WATERSUP”The setting ”OFF”is chosen forsystems withoutheating elementShould be chosenwhen installing aheating surface forwaterControlled via 0-10V signalShould be chosenwhen installing anelectrical heatingsurface, binarycontrolledSELECT”OFF”SELECT”EB SUP”SELECT”EL SUP”RESTARTOFFFigure 7: Heating element menu