Installation Instructions Compact PSubject to alterations NILAN A/S Page 25 of 31PresetThe PRESET menu allows default factory settings to be stored.Options that flash are indicated by ” ”On the CTS602 control panel, press:- ESC to return to the previous menu- qp to scroll upwards or downwards through the menus or toadjust the setting of an activated menu option- ENTER to activate a menu option- ENTER to confirm a menu option setting- OFF switch off the controls- ON to switch on the controlsINLETHEATINGHOTWATERAIREXCHANGEDEFROSTINLETCONTROLSERVICE ENTERTEMP.CONTROLMANUALOFFROOMCONTROLRESTARTOFFPRESETOFFENTER PRESETOFFPRESETSTANDARDWhen ”standard” ischosen all factorysettings are reset. Aneventual supplementaryheating surface must bere-activated.A heating surface is NOTfrost-protected until it iscorrectly installed andactivated in the servicemenu.AIRQUALITYFigur 18: The "Preset" Menu