Subject to alterations Page 20 of 33Temp. controlThe temperature sensor to be used to control the system is selected in the TEMP. CONTROLmenu. It is also possible to stipulate a minimum temperature at which the system is to be stoppedto prevent further cooling of the building if the primary heating system has cut out for some reason.Options that flash are indicated by ” ”On the CTS602 control panel, press:- ESC to return to the previous menu- p to scroll upwards or downwards through the menus or toadjust the setting of an activated menu option- ENTER to activate a menu option- ENTER to confirm a menu option setting- OFF switch off the controls- ON to switch on the controlsINLETHEATINGTEMP.CONTROLENTERHOTWATERAIREXCHANGEDEFROSTINLETCONTROLSERVICE ENTERRESTARTOFFMANUALOFFPRESETOFFROOMCONTROLEXTERNAL-1°CAIRQUALITYOption for an extra heatingelement via relay output,R8. R8 is an accessory andthe option is only possiblevia accessory pcb.The temperature is addedor subtracted to/from theset point shown in the mainmenu.Determines the sensor to beused for control purposes:PANEL: T15 (in control panel)EXTERNAL: T10 (Duct sensor)If T15 is chosen as thecontrolling sensor the sensorfollows ROOM LOW thistemperature.SENSORPANELSENSOR”PANEL”PRIORITY”HP”PRIOR.”OFF”ENTERENTERROOMLOW 10°CPRIORITYHPStops the system at thisroom temperature (20-1°C, -- indicates that thefunction is inactive). The”--” setting should beused if the control panelis installed in a coldlocation.OFF:ventilationwithout heatpump.VP:ventilationwith onlyheat pumpactive.MODBUSADR 30DATALOGINTV 10Figur 15: The "Temp. control" Menu