PA G E 4Connect the radar detector to a Win-dows-based PC via mini-USB cable anduse the DB Update Manager programto download the database file to yourRadenso XP.The DB Update Manager program can befound on the “Support” section of the Ra-denso homepage at Updateinstallation guideTo start using your Radenso XP radar detec-tor, follow these easy steps:Slide the windshield mounting bracketinto the QuickMount slot at the front ofthe radar detector.Insert the RJ11 connector of the powercord into the power jack of the RadensoXP, located on the left side. Insert the12V plug into the power socket of yourvehicle.Once connected to a 12V power source,the radar detector starts up with a verybrief startup sequence.Adjust the volume setting by pressing andholding the VOL-/CITY or VOL+/MARKbutton for 2 seconds.Select “Factory Reset” in menu mode toreset all settings back to their factorydefaults, except GMT setting.Connect the radar detector to a Win-dows-based PC via mini-USB cable anduse the Firmware Update Manager pro-gram to download a new firmware to yourRadenso XP.The Firmware Update Manager programcan be found on the “Update” section ofthe Radenso homepage at Start Up GuideFactory ResetFirmware Update1.