60TROUBLE SHOOTINGTips are located within the manual to help with troubleshooting.Common problems are listed below:Problem Likely SolutionsNorTronic ® displays are blank. Remove and recharge AA batteries or replace batteriesNorTronic ® only powers up for a short time. Remove and recharge AA batteries or replace batteriesTorque will not zero and displays “Err=1”. Torque reading must be within ± 3% of the wrench capacityDisplay shows “Err=2”. Torque over range – return to NorbarDisplay shows “Err=3”. Hardware error – return to NorbarDisplay shows “Err=4”. Hardware error – return to NorbarDate & Time not remembered. The coin cell battery has failed. Return to NorbarCannot zero NorTronic ® . Tool has possibly been overstrained. Return to NorbarMeasurement does not function correctly. Ensure the ‘Active From’ setting is not too low or too highNorTronic ® locks up. Remove batteries, then re-insert to reset configurationNorTronic ® continuously triggers.Check that ZERO of the NorTronic ® has been set with notorque applied i.e. the weight of the tool.Change the Active From setting to a larger valueGLOSSARY OF TERMSWord or Term Meaning# NumberActive From Value from which the memory modes operateCapacity NorTronic ® full scaleCRS CentresFrequency Response Frequency value below which signals are passedHold Time The length of time a reading is displayed until automatically resetHz Hertz, unit of frequencyL.S.D. Least Significant DigitmAh milli ampere hour; Rate of charge/discharge of a batteryPC Personal Computer.Sleep After The time after, when not used, the NorTronic ® goes to sleep; this will save batterypowerSnug Torque Torque value that must be reached before measuring angleSpanner End Fitting Optional extra fitted in place of the ratchetTarget Torque or angle value required. Each Target has an Upper Limit and a Lower LimitTDS Torque Data System – Software included for PC useTool A reference to the tool being usedTransceiver Internal wireless module to enable data to be transmitted / received by the NorTronic ®USB Universal Serial BusWork Id Work identification - the reference to the task, application or job e.g.: a bolted flange,engine cylinder head, vehicle wheel nuts, etcZero Suppression Value of torque that has to be achieved for the NorTronic ® not to display zero