Installation Guide1 SummaryThis is the complete installation guide for securing the authentication to your Cisco ASA 5500 solutionwith Nordic Edge One Time Password Server, delivering two-factor authentication via SMS to yourmobile phone. For both clientless SSL VPN and Cisco VPN Client. You will be able to test the productwith your existing Cisco ASA 500 and LDAP user database, without making any changes that affectexisting users. The guide will also allow you to make the complete installation effeciently, using amaximum of 1 hour. Nordic Edge provides several methods for delivering one time passwords, like e-mail, tokens, mobile clients, prefetch etc. - however in this test we are only going to use SMS.This is a step-by-step guide that covers the entire installation from A to Z. It is based on the scenariothat you are running your Cisco 5500 solution against Active Directory, and that you install the OneTime Password Server on a Windows Server. The One Time Password Server is platformindependent and works with all other LDAP user databases, like eDirectory, Sun One, Open LDAPetc. If you are not running Active Directory or Windows and if you have any questions regarding theslight differences in the installation process, you are most welcome to contact us and we will take you through the entire process.2 PrerequisitesYou will need to have a server available, for example a VMware virtual machine with Windows Server2003 installed with Ethernet in bridge mode. The server needs to have an ip-address configured andmust also be able to reach your DNS-servers, your Cisco 5500 ASA solution and the Active Directory.Since the software is quite small and easy to remove, you can also use any existing server in yournetwork.3 Important information regarding communicationThe One Time Password Server is a software that you can place on any server in your internalnetwork or DMZ.- The One Time Password Server needs to be able to communicate (Outbound traffic) with yourLDAP or JDBC User Database. Default port for LDAP and Secure LDAP is TCP port 389 / 636.- The Integration Module needs to be able to communicate (Outbound traffic) with the One TimePassword Server on TCP port 3100. Or Radius with UDP port 1812 or 1645 (Outbound traffic)- If you want to use the Nordic Edge SMS Gateway, the One Time Password Server needs to beable to communicate (Outbound traffic) with and with HTTPS onTCP port 443.In this test-scenario you will want to communicate with RADIUS port 1812 or 1645 and useour Nordic Edge SMS Copyright, 2008, Nordic Edge AB Page 4 of 49