NXT Omni Bass InstructionsCONTROLSKnob 1 - VolumeKnob 2 - Tone: Treble cutMode Switch: switch lever away from the tone knob for optimal pizzicato (plucked,sustained) sound, switch lever toward the tone knob for optimal Arco (bowed andpercussive plucked) sound.STRINGSNS Omni Bass strings by D’Addario are recommended for “acoustic” sound. The Omni Bass alsoaccommodates most long scale bass guitar strings. Round wound strings are recommended forbrighter, more “electric” sound.STRING HEIGHTAdjust bridge height with Philips head screws under the bridge, accessible from the back of theinstrument.TRUSS RODThe truss rod will reduce relief when tightened. Use 5mm hex wrench, with access near nut.Clockwise rotation decreases relief.Boomerang StrapAttachment to the Instrument - The large,thin washer should be placed between theinstrument and the hub (failure to use thewasher can damage the surface of theinstrument). Insert the attachment screw intothe threaded insert on the back of theinstrument. Use a 4 mm hex wrench, flatscrewdriver, or coin to tighten the screw. Thehub should be held firmly but still be able torotate.Adjusting Pivot Friction - To adjust the armfriction, tighten or loosen the two hex screws inthe hub. The screw closest to the long armshould generally be tightened more than theother screw, to provide more friction on thelong arm. The hex wrench can be stored in thehole in the ends of the tubes, but care must betaken to insure that the hex wrench is notpositioned where it will scratch the instrumentwhen the arms are moved.