520901134_EN_DVR 3pro_V1.4_060420Introduction11 IntroductionIntroductionThis manual is part of your product.1.11.1 User informationUser informationSafety Read this manual thoroughly and completely before using theproduct. Keep this manual in an easily accessible location. Proper use of the product is essential for safe operation. Complywith all safety instructions provided! In addition to this manual, adhere to any relevant local accidentprevention regulations and comply with industrial safety regula‑tions.General Instead of the term DVR 3proDVR 3pro mostly the term GaugeGauge or VacuumVacuumgaugegauge is used in this manual, in order to make the text morereadable. The illustrations in this manual are provided as examples inorder for a better understanding. They are intended to aid in your understanding of the properuse of the product.Contact Please ask for replacement in case of an incom‑plete manual or download the manual on our website:www.vacuubrand.com Contact us regarding any questions about this product, if youneed further information, or to provide us with feedback. When contacting our Customer Service Department, please besure to have the correct type and serial number of your productat call device data on the product, see chapter 8.1.3 Device8.1.3 Devicedata on page 42data on page 42GeneralinformationInstructions for useand safetyContact us