Casio FX-9860GII-L-IH manuals
Table of contents
- key,
- Basic Calculations 2
- turning power on and off
- basic calculations
- fraction calculations
- handling precautions
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- read this first
- Table Of Contents
- inputting and editing calculations
- option (optn) menu
- variable data (vars) menu
- program (prgm) menu
- using the setup screen
- using screen capture
- when you keep having problems
- multiplication operations without a multiplication sign
- memory capacity
- special functions
- using multistatements
- function calculations
- logarithmic and exponential functions
- hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions
- other functions
- coordinate conversion
- permutation and combination
- k engineering notation calculations
- numerical calculations
- differential calculations
- complex number calculations
- negative values
- matrix calculations
- matrix cell operations
- Inputting and Editing a List 3
- inputting and editing a list
- manipulating list data
- arithmetic calculations using lists
- recalling list contents
- graphing a function using a list
- performing scientific function calculations using a list
- switching between list files
- Simultaneous Linear Equations 4
- simultaneous linear equations
- quadratic and cubic equations
- solve calculations
- what to do when an error occurs
- Sample Graphs 5
- sample graphs
- controlling what appears on a graph screen
- drawing a graph
- storing a graph in picture memory
- drawing two graphs on the same screen
- manual graphing
- using tables
- specifying the function type
- dynamic graphing
- graphing a recursion formula
- changing the appearance of a graph
- function analysis
- Before Performing Statistical Calculations 6
- before performing statistical calculations
- changing graph parameters
- drawing a regression graph
- logarithmic regression graph
- overlaying a function graph on a statistical graph
- performing statistical calculations
- regression calculation
- confidence interval
- Before Performing Financial Calculations 7
- before performing financial calculations
- simple interest
- compound interest
- interest rate conversion
- Basic Programming Steps 8
- basic programming steps
- prgm mode function keys
- editing program contents
- searching for data inside a program
- file management
- command reference
- using calculator functions in programs
- prgm mode command list
- program library
- Spreadsheet Overview 9
- spreadsheet overview
- file operations and re-calculation
- basic spreadsheet screen operations
- inputting and editing cell data
- statistical graphs
- using the calc function
- eactivity overview
- eactivity file operations
- inputting and editing eactivity file data
- using notes
- using matrix editor and list editor
- eactivity file memory usage screen
- system settings menu
- using the system settings menu
- system settings
- version list
- data communications
- connecting two units
- data communications precautions
- image transfer
- precautions when connecting
- memory mode
- Error Message Table
- error message table
- input ranges
- specifications
- key index
- power supply
- replacing batteries
- about the auto power off function
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