200504012-5 Numerical CalculationsThe following describes the items that are available in the menus you use when performingdifferential/quadratic differential, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value, and Solvecalculations.When the option menu is on the display, press 4(CALC) to display the function analysismenu. The items of this menu are used when performing specific types of calculations.• {Solve}/{d/dx}/{d2/dx2}/{∫dx}/{FMin}/{FMax}/{Σ(} ... {solve}/{differential}/{quadratic differential}/{integration}/{minimum value}/{maximum value}/{Σ (sigma)}calculationsk Solve CalculationsThe following is the syntax for using the Solve function in a program.Solve( f(x), n, a, b) (a: lower limit, b: upper limit, n: initial estimated value)There are two different input methods that can be used for Solve calculations: directassignment and variable table input.With the direct assignment method (the one described here), you assign values directly tovariables. This type of input is identical to that used with the Solve command used in thePRGM mode.Variable table input is used with the Solve function in the EQUA mode. This input method isrecommended for most normal Solve function input.An error (Time Out) occurs when there is no convergence of the solution.For information about Solve calculations, see page 4-3-1.2-5-1Numerical Calculations# You cannot use a differential, quadraticdifferential, integration, Σ, maximum/minimumvalue, Solve, RndFix or log ab calculationexpression inside of a Solve calculation term.# Pressing A during calculation of Solve (whilethe cursor is not shown on the display) interruptsthe calculation.20070101