IDEC MICROSmart FC6A-C40R1DEJ manuals
Table of contents
- Safety Precautions
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- About the FC6A Series MICROSmart
- Features
- Special Functions
- timer interrupt
- Communication Functions
- Maintenance Communication
- User Communication
- Data Link Communication
- Ethernet Communication
- Operator Interface Connectivity
- Digital I/O Cartridges
- CPU Module
- Analog I/O Cartridge
- Digital I/O Modules
- Analog I/O Modules
- PID Module
- Communication Modules
- Expansion Interface Modules
- programming example
- HMI Module
- Cartridge Base Module
- Cartridges
- Dimensions
- Installation Location
- Assembly Methods
- Mounting on DIN Rail
- Input/Output Wiring
- Power Supply and Power Supply Wiring
- Using the Ports
- Using an SD Memory Card
- Replacing the Backup Battery
- Connection Restrictions When Expanding the PLC
- Terminal Connection
- Wiring the CAN J1939 Bus
- Start WindLDR
- PLC Selection
- Create Program
- Save Project
- Simulate Operation
- Download Program
- Monitor Operation
- Checking the WindLDR Version Number
- Ladder Program Operation
- Start/Stop Operation
- Function List
- Function Area Settings
- Stop Input and Reset Input
- Run/Stop Selection at Keep Data Error
- Run/Stop Selection at Power Up
- Function Switch Configuration
- Memory Backup
- Special Internal Relay
- High-Speed Counter
- Special Data Register
- Catch Input
- Interrupt Input
- Frequency Measurement
- Input Filter
- Analog Voltage Input
- Analog Potentiometer
- Timer Interrupt
- Forced I/O function
- External Memory Devices
- Log Data File Size
- bit Data Storage Setting
- User Program Protection
- Watchdog Timer Setting
- Constant Scan Time
- Daylight Savings Time
- Clock Function
- Battery Monitor
- USB Boot
- User Program Capacity
- Online Edit
- function description
- HMI Function Overview
- Module Configuration Editor Overview
- About the Menu Screen
- Basic Operations
- Switching run/stop
- Editing Programs
- FC6A Series MICROSmart Environment Settings
- data register
- Monitoring the FC6A Series MICROSmart
- Checking/Clearing Error Information
- Displaying Arbitrary Messages
- SD Memory Card Maintenance
- Reading and Writing Recipe Files
- Uploading/Downloading the User Program
- file name
- System Menu Hierarchy Diagram
- Basic Instruction List
- Advanced Instruction List
- Structure of an Advanced Instruction
- Data Types for Advanced Instructions
- Discontinuity of Device Areas
- Device Addressing for Instruction Execution
- Analog I/O Module Overview
- Analog I/O Module Parameter Settings
- control registers
- Device Allocation
- Basic Module Configuration Editor Operations
- SD Memory Card Overview
- specifications
- Save Log Data
- Recipe Function
- reading and writing data
- Downloads and Uploads using the SD Memory Card
- SD Memory Card Maintenance with Data File Manager
- Reading Error Data
- Special Data Registers for Error Information
- FC6A Series MICROSmart Operating Status, Output, and ERR LED during Errors
- User Program Execution Error
- Troubleshooting Diagrams
- Type List
- application software
- System Software
- USB Driver Installation Procedure
- Fonts
- Cables
- HMI Screen Transition Diagram
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Start WindLDR
- PLC Selection
- Create Program
- Save Project
- Simulate Operation
- Download Program
- Monitor Operation
- Windows Displayed in the Workspace
- Checking the WindLDR Version Number
- Ladder Program Operation
- Device Addresses
- Special Internal Relay
- Basic Instruction List
- Advanced Instruction List
- Structure of an Advanced Instruction
- Data Types for Advanced Instructions
- Discontinuity of Device Areas
- LOD (Load) and LODN (Load Not)
- SET and RST (Reset)
- AND and ANDN (And Not)
- AND LOD (Load)
- BPS (Bit Push), BRD (Bit Read), and BPP (Bit Pop)
- TML, TIM, TMH, and TMS (Timer)
- TMLO, TIMO, TMHO, and TMSO (Off-Delay Timer)
- CNT, CDP, and CUD (Counter)
- Counter Circuit
- CNTD, CDPD, and CUDD (Double-Word Counter)
- CC= and CC>= (Counter Comparison)
- DC= and DC>= (Data Register Comparison)
- SFR and SFRN (Forward and Reverse Shift Register)
- SOTU and SOTD (Single Output Up and Down)
- MCS and MCR (Master Control Set and Reset)
- JMP (Jump) and JEND (Jump End)
- Restriction on Ladder Programming
- MOV (Move)
- MOVN (Move Not)
- IMOV (Indirect Move)
- IMOVN (Indirect Move Not)
- MOVC (Move Characters)
- BMOV (Block Move)
- IBMV (Indirect Bit Move)
- IBMVN (Indirect Bit Move Not)
- NSET (N Data Set)
- NRS (N Data Repeat Set)
- XCHG (Exchange)
- TCCST (Timer/Counter Current Value Store)
- CMP= (Compare Equal To)
- ICMP>= (Interval Compare Greater Than or Equal To)
- LC= (Load Compare Equal To)
- ADD (Addition)
- INC (Increment)
- ROOT (Root)
- SUM (Sum)
- RNDM (Random)
- ANDW (AND Word)
- SFTL (Shift Left)
- SFTR (Shift Right)
- BCDLS (BCD Left Shift)
- WSFT (Word Shift)
- ROTL (Rotate Left)
- ROTR (Rotate Right)
- HTOB (Hex to BCD)
- BTOH (BCD to Hex)
- HTOA (Hex to ASCII)
- ATOH (ASCII to Hex)
- ENCO (Encode)
- DECO (Decode)
- BCNT (Bit Count)
- ALT (Alternate Output)
- CVDT (Convert Data Type)
- DTDV (Data Divide)
- DTCB (Data Combine)
- SWAP (Data Swap)
- WEEK (Weekly Timer)
- YEAR (Yearly Timer)
- MSG (Message)
- DISP (Display)
- DGRD (Digital Read)
- LABEL (Label)
- LCAL (Label Call)
- DJNZ (Decrement Jump Non-zero)
- IOREF (I/O Refresh)
- HSCRF (High-speed Counter Refresh)
- FRQRF (Frequency Measurement Refresh)
- COMRF (Communication Refresh)
- DI (Disable Interrupt)
- XYFS (XY Format Set)
- CVXTY (Convert X to Y)
- CVYTX (Convert Y to X)
- AVRG (Average)
- PULS (Pulse Output)
- PWM (Variable Duty Cycle Pulse Output)
- RAMP (Trapezoidal Control)
- RAMPL (Linear Interpolation Control)
- ZRN (Zero Return)
- ARAMP (RAMP with Table)
- ABS (Set Absolute Position)
- JOG (JOG Operation)
- Pulse Monitor
- Positioning Control
- PID (PID Control)
- PIDA (PID Control)
- PIDD (PID with Derivative Decay)
- PID Monitor
- Application Example
- DTML (1-s Dual Timer)
- TTIM (Teaching Timer)
- RAD (Degree to Radian)
- DEG (Radian to Degree)
- SIN (Sine)
- COS (Cosine)
- TAN (Tangent)
- ASIN (Arc Sine)
- ACOS (Arc Cosine)
- ATAN (Arc Tangent)
- LOGE (Natural Logarithm)
- LOG10 (Common Logarithm)
- EXP (Exponent)
- POW (Power)
- FIFOF (FIFO Format)
- FIEX (First-In Execute)
- NDSRC (N Data Search)
- TADD (Time Addition)
- TSUB (Time Subtraction)
- HTOS (HMS to Sec)
- HOUR (Hour Meter)
- DLOG (Data Log)
- TRACE (Data Trace)
- SCRPT (Script)
- Script Function Overview
- Script Programming and Management
- Programming Scripts
- Script Programming Examples
- Important Notes
- About the Priority of the Operator
- SCALE (Convert Analog Input)
- FLWA (Analog Flow Totalizer)
- FLWP (Pulse Flow Totalizer)
- UMACRO (User-defined Macro)
- Execution Times for Instructions
- Breakdown of END Processing Time
- Differences between User-defined Macros and Subroutines
- Instruction Size (Bytes)
- User Program Execution Error
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