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NETSCAPE DIRECTORY SERVER 6.0 first page preview


Brand: Netscape | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. installation guide
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. About This Guide
  6. Conventions Used In This Guide
  7. Related Information
  8. preparing for a directory server installation
  9. Configuration Decisions
  10. Choosing Unique Port Numbers
  11. Deciding the User and Group for Your Netscape Servers (UNIX only)
  12. Defining Authentication Entities
  13. Determining Your Directory Suffix
  14. Determining the Location of the User Directory
  15. Determining the Administration Domain
  16. Installation Process Overview
  17. Upgrade Process
  18. Supported Platforms
  19. Hardware Requirements
  20. Solaris 8 Operating System
  21. Verify System Tuning
  22. Windows NT 4.0 Server
  23. Required System Modules
  24. Installing Third-Party Utilities
  25. Ensure That the System Clock is Correct and Kept Accurate
  26. Install TCP ISN Patch
  27. Remove NETBIOS
  28. Disable IP Routing
  29. Remove the OS/2 DLLs
  30. Encrypt Account Database
  31. Set Tuning Parameters
  32. Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server
  33. Installing Windows 2000 Server
  34. Install Windows Service Packs and Hotfixes
  35. using express and typical installation
  36. Using Typical Installation
  37. Using Silent Installation
  38. Preparing Silent Installation Files
  39. A Typical Installation
  40. Using an Existing Configuration Directory
  41. Installing the Stand-Alone Netscape Console
  42. Silent Installation File Format
  43. General] Installation Directives
  44. Base] Installation Directives
  45. slapd] Installation Directives
  46. Optional [slapd] Installation Directives
  47. admin] Installation Directives
  48. Chapter 5 Post Installation
  49. populating the directory tree
  50. Migration Overview
  51. Migration Prerequisites
  52. Identifying Custom Schema
  53. Migration Procedure
  54. Migrating a Replicated Site
  55. Example: Detail of Steps
  56. Running dsktune
  57. Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
  58. Glossary
NETSCAPE DIRECTORY SERVER 6.0 first page preview


Brand: Netscape | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. About This Guide
  8. Directory Server Overview
  9. Conventions Used in This Guide
  10. introduction to directory server
  11. About Global Directory Services
  12. About LDAP
  13. Overview of Directory Server Architecture
  14. Overview of the Basic Directory Tree
  15. Directory Server Data Storage
  16. About Directory Entries
  17. Distributing Directory Data
  18. Design Process Outline
  19. Deploying Your Directory
  20. Other General Directory Resources
  21. introduction to directory data
  22. What Your Directory Might Include
  23. What Your Directory Should Not Include
  24. Performing a Site Survey
  25. Identifying the Applications that Use Your Directory
  26. Identifying Data Sources
  27. Characterizing Your Directory Data
  28. Determining Level of Service
  29. Data Mastering for Replication
  30. Determining Data Ownership
  31. Determining Data Access
  32. Documenting Your Site Survey
  33. Repeating the Site Survey
  34. Schema Design Process Overview
  35. Netscape Standard Schema
  36. Standard Attributes
  37. Standard Object Classes
  38. Mapping Your Data to the Default Schema
  39. Matching Data to Schema Elements
  40. Customizing the Schema
  41. When to Extend Your Schema
  42. Naming Attribute and Object Classes
  43. Strategies for Defining New Attributes
  44. Creating Custom Schema Files
  45. Custom Schema Best Practices
  46. Maintaining Consistent Schema
  47. Schema Checking
  48. Maintaining Consistency in Replicated Schema
  49. Other Schema Resources
  50. Introduction to the Directory Tree
  51. Designing Your Directory Tree
  52. Suffix Naming Conventions
  53. Naming Multiple Suffixes
  54. Identifying Branch Points
  55. Replication Considerations
  56. Access Control Considerations
  57. Naming Entries
  58. Naming Group Entries
  59. Naming Other Kinds of Entries
  60. About Roles
  61. Deciding Between Roles and Groups
  62. Directory Tree Design Examples
  63. Directory Tree for an ISP
  64. other directory tree resources
  65. Topology Overview
  66. Distributing Your Data
  67. About Using Multiple Databases
  68. About Suffixes
  69. About Knowledge References
  70. The Structure of an LDAP Referral
  71. About Default Referrals
  72. Tips for Designing Smart Referrals
  73. Using Chaining
  74. Deciding Between Referrals and Chaining
  75. Usage Differences
  76. Using Indexes to Improve Database Performance
  77. Evaluating the Costs of Indexing
  78. Introduction to Replication
  79. Replication Concepts
  80. Unit of Replication
  81. Change Log
  82. Replication Agreement
  83. Common Replication Scenarios
  84. Multi-Master Replication
  85. Cascading Replication
  86. Mixed Environments
  87. Defining a Replication Strategy
  88. Replication Survey
  89. Using Replication for High Availability
  90. Using Replication for Local Availability
  91. Example of Network Load Balancing
  92. Example of Load Balancing for Improved Performance
  93. Example Replication Strategy for a Small Site
  94. Using Replication with other Directory Features
  95. Replication and Database Links
  96. Schema Replication
  97. About Security Threats
  98. Unauthorized Access
  99. Denial of Service
  100. Determining Access Rights
  101. Conducting Regular Audits
  102. Overview of Security Methods
  103. Anonymous Access
  104. Simple Password
  105. Certificate-Based Authentication
  106. Proxy Authentication
  107. Designing a Password Policy
  108. User-Defined Passwords
  109. Expiration Warning
  110. Password Minimum Age
  111. Designing a Password Policy in a Replicated Environment
  112. Designing Access Control
  113. Targets
  114. Permissions
  115. Bind Rules
  116. Setting Permissions
  117. When to Deny Access
  118. Using Filtered Access Control Rules
  119. Securing Connections With SSL
  120. other security resources
  121. An Enterprise
  122. Data Design
  123. Directory Tree Design
  124. Topology Design
  125. Database Topology
  126. Replication Design
  127. Supplier Consumer Architecture
  128. Security Design
  129. Tuning and Optimizations
  130. Schema Design
  131. Server Topology
  132. Supplier Architecture
NETSCAPE DIRECTORY SERVER 6.0 first page preview


Brand: Netscape | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Conventions Used in This Book
  10. Chapter 1 About Schema
  11. Required and Allowed Attributes
  12. Attribute Syntax
  13. Single-Valued and Multi-Valued Attributes
  14. Object Identifiers (OIDs)
  15. Extending Server Schema
  16. Chapter 2 Object Class Reference
  17. country
  18. dcObject
  19. device
  20. document
  21. documentSeries
  22. domain
  23. domainRelatedObject
  24. extensibleObject
  25. friendlyCountry
  26. groupOfCertificates
  27. groupOfNames
  28. groupOfUniqueNames
  29. groupOfURLs
  30. inetOrgPerson
  31. labeledURIObject
  32. locality
  33. newPilotPerson
  34. nsLicenseUser
  35. organization
  36. organizationalPerson
  37. organizationalRole
  38. organizationalUnit
  39. person
  40. pilotObject
  41. pilotOrganization
  42. residentialPerson
  43. RFC822LocalPart
  44. room
  45. strongAuthenticationUser
  46. simpleSecurityObject
  47. abstract
  48. associatedDomain
  49. audio
  50. authorSn
  51. businessCategory
  52. cACertificate
  53. certificateRevocationList
  54. co (friendlyCountryName)
  55. dc (domainComponent)
  56. departmentNumber
  57. displayName
  58. dmdName
  59. dNSRecord
  60. documentLocation
  61. documentStore
  62. documentVersion
  63. dSAQuality
  64. enhancedSearchGuide
  65. generationQualifier
  66. homePhone
  67. host
  68. info
  69. internationalISDNNumber
  70. keyWords
  71. l (localityName)
  72. lastModifiedBy
  73. mailPreferenceOption
  74. manager
  75. memberURL
  76. mobile
  77. nsLicensedFor
  78. nsLicenseStartTime
  79. obsoletedByDocument
  80. organizationalStatus
  81. owner
  82. personalSignature
  83. photo
  84. postalAddress
  85. postOfficeBox
  86. presentationAddress
  87. reciprocalNamingLink
  88. roomNumber
  89. secretary
  90. singleLevelQuality
  91. st (stateOrProvinceName)
  92. subject
  93. subtreeMinimumQuality
  94. telephoneNumber
  95. telexNumber
  96. title
  97. uid (userID)
  98. uniqueMember
  99. userCertificate
  100. userPassword
  101. userSMIMECertificate
  102. Operational Attributes
  103. attributeTypes
  104. dITContentRules
  105. matchingRules
  106. namingContexts
  107. nsRole
  108. objectClasses
  109. passwordExpirationTime
  110. passwordRetryCount
  111. supportedControl
  112. supportedLDAPVersion
  113. changeLog
  114. changeTime
  115. newRdn
  116. Special Object Classes
  117. subschema
  118. Index
NETSCAPE DIRECTORY SERVER 6.0 first page preview


Brand: Netscape | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. About This Reference Guide
  14. Prerequisite Reading
  15. Conventions Used In This Reference Guide
  16. Chapter 1 Introduction
  17. Directory Server Configuration
  18. Using Directory Server Command-Line Scripts
  19. LDIF Configuration Files - Location
  20. Configuration of Plug-in Functionality
  21. Configuration of Databases
  22. Migration of Pre-Directory Server 6.0 Configuration Files to LDIF Format
  23. Changing Configuration Attributes
  24. Modifying Configuration Entries Using LDAP
  25. Restrictions to Modifying Configuration Entries
  26. Core Server Configuration Attributes Reference
  27. cn=config
  28. nsslapd-accesscontrol (Enable Access Control)
  29. nsslapd-accesslog-level
  30. nsslapd-accesslog-list
  31. nsslapd-accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit (Access Log Expiration Time Unit)
  32. nsslapd-accesslog-logmaxdiskspace (Access Log Maximum Disk Space)
  33. nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime (Access Log Rotation Time)
  34. nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize (Access Log Maximum Log Size)
  35. nsslapd-attribute-name-exceptions
  36. nsslapd-auditlog-list
  37. nsslapd-auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit (Audit Log Expiration Time Unit)
  38. nsslapd-auditlog-logmaxdiskspace (Audit Log Maximum Disk Space)
  39. nsslapd-auditlog-logrotationtime (Audit Log Rotation Time)
  40. nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsize (Audit Log Maximum Log Size)
  41. nsslapd-certmap-basedn (Certificate Map Search Base)
  42. nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc (Enable Superior Object Class Enquoting)
  43. nsslapd-errorlog (Error Log)
  44. nsslapd-errorlog-level (Error Log Level)
  45. nsslapd-errorlog-list
  46. nsslapd-errorlog-logging-enabled (Enable Error Logging)
  47. nsslapd-errorlog-logminfreediskspace (Error Log Minimum Free Disk Space)
  48. nsslapd-errorlog-logrotationtimeunit (Error Log Rotation Time Unit)
  49. nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir (Maximum Number of Error Log Files)
  50. nsslapd-instancedir (Instance Directory)
  51. nsslapd-listenhost (Listen to IP Address)
  52. nsslapd-localuser (Local User)
  53. nsslapd-maxthreadsperconn (Maximum Threads Per Connection)
  54. nsslapd-plug-in
  55. nsslapd-readonly (Read Only)
  56. nsslapd-referralmode (Referral Mode)
  57. nsslapd-return-exact-case (Return Exact Case)
  58. nsslapd-rootdn (Manager DN)
  59. nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme (Root Password Storage Scheme)
  60. nsslapd-securelistenhost
  61. nsslapd-security (Security)
  62. nsslapd-threadnumber (Thread Number)
  63. nsslapd-versionstring
  64. passwordCheckSyntax (Check Password Syntax)
  65. passwordHistory (Password History)
  66. passwordLockout (Account Lockout)
  67. passwordMaxAge (Password Maximum Age)
  68. passwordMinLength (Password Minimum Length)
  69. passwordResetFailureCount (Reset Password Failure Count After)
  70. passwordUnlock (Unlock Account)
  71. cn=changelog5
  72. nsslapd-changelogmaxage (Max Changelog Age)
  73. cn=encryption
  74. nsssl2
  75. cn=features
  76. nsslapd-state
  77. cn=mapping tree,cn=config
  78. nsDS5Flags
  79. nsDS5ReplicaChangeCount
  80. nsDS5ReplicaName
  81. nsDS5ReplicaReferral
  82. nsDS5ReplicaType
  83. description
  84. nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod
  85. nsDS5ReplicaHost
  86. nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus
  87. nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart
  88. nsDS5ReplicaRefresh
  89. nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo
  90. nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule
  91. currentConnections
  92. backendMonitorDN
  93. nssnmplocation
  94. nssnmpmasterhost
  95. cn=uniqueid generator
  96. Overview
  97. Object Classes for Plug-in Configuration
  98. bit check Plug-in
  99. ACL preoperation Plug-in
  100. Boolean Syntax Plug-in
  101. Case Ignore String Syntax Plug-in
  102. Class of Service Plug-in
  103. Distinguished Name Syntax Plug-in
  104. Integer Syntax Plug-in
  105. ldbm database Plug-in
  106. Legacy Replication Plug-in
  107. Octet String Syntax Plug-in
  108. CRYPT Password Storage Plug-in
  109. SHA Password Storage Scheme Plug-in
  110. Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in
  111. PTA Plug-in
  112. Retro Changelog Plug-in
  113. Roles Plug-in
  114. Telephone Syntax Plug-in
  115. URI Plug-in
  116. List of Attributes Common to all Plug-ins
  117. nsslapd-pluginType
  118. nsslapd-pluginId
  119. nsslapd-pluginDescription
  120. nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named
  121. Database Attributes Under cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
  122. nsslapd-cache-autosize
  123. nsslapd-dbcachesize
  124. nsslapd-db-circular-logging
  125. nsslapd-db-durable-transactions
  126. nsslapd-db-idl-divisor
  127. nsslapd-db-logdirectory
  128. nsslapd-db-page-size
  129. nsslapd-db-transaction-logging
  130. nsslapd-dbncache
  131. nsslapd-mode
  132. dbcacheroevict
  133. nsslapd-cachememsize
  134. nsslapd-readonly
  135. Database Attributes Under cn=database,cn=monitor,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins,cn=config
  136. nsslapd-db-commit-rate
  137. nsslapd-db-log-region-wait-rate
  138. cn=plugins,cn=config
  139. nsMatchingRule
  140. dbfilenamenumber
  141. dbfilepageout
  142. Database Link Plug-in Attributes (chaining attributes)
  143. Database Link Attributes Under cn=config,cn=chaining database, cn=plugins,cn=config
  144. nsMaxTestResponseDelay
  145. nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval
  146. nsBindRetryLimit
  147. nsConcurrentBindLimit
  148. nsOperationConnectionsLimit
  149. nsReferralOnScopedSearch
  150. cn=chaining database,cn=plugins,cn=config
  151. nsMultiplexorCredentials
  152. cn=chaining database, cn=plugins,cn=config
  153. nsUnbindCount
  154. Overview of Directory Server Files
  155. configuration files
  156. Backup Files
  157. ldif Files
  158. Log Files
  159. Access Log Content
  160. Access Logging Levels
  161. Default Access Logging Content
  162. Connection Number
  163. Operation Number
  164. Number of Entries
  165. LDAP Response Type
  166. Change Sequence Number
  167. Abandon Message
  168. Access Log Content for Additional Access Logging Levels
  169. Connection Description
  170. ldap result codes
  171. Migration from 4.x Directory Server to 6.0
  172. Server Attributes
  173. Database Attributes
  174. General Server Configuration Attributes
  175. Database Link Attributes
  176. SNMP Attributes
  177. Finding and Executing Command-Line Utilities
  178. Command-Line Utilities Quick Reference
  179. Using Special Characters
  180. ldapmodify
  181. ldapdelete
  182. ldif
  183. Finding and Executing Command-Line Scripts
  184. Command-Line Scripts Quick Reference
  185. Shell and Batch Scripts
  186. bak2db (Restore database from backup)
  187. db2dsml (Export database contents to DSML)
  188. dsml2db (Import DSML document contents into database)
  189. ldif2db (Import)
  190. ldif2ldap (Perform import operation over LDAP)
  191. monitor (Retrieve monitoring information)
  192. restoreconfig (Restore Administration Server Configuration)
  193. start-slapd (Start the Directory Server)
  194. suffix2instance (Map Suffix to Backend Name)
  195. vlvindex (Create virtual list view (VLV) indexes)
  196. Perl Scripts
  197. (Create and generate indexes)
  198. (Export database contents to LDIF)
  199. (Import)
  200. migrateInstance5 (Migrate to Directory Server 5.0 or 6.0)
  201. (Establish account status)
  202. (Activate an entry or group of entries)
  203. Overview of ns-slapd and slapd.exe Commands
  204. ns-slapd (UNIX)
  205. ns-slapd and slapd.exe Command-Line Utilities for Exporting Databases
  206. ns-slapd and slapd.exe Command-Line Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases
  207. archive2db
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