Quintum Tenor AXG800 manuals
Tenor AXG800
Table of contents
- What's included?
- Product Guide Conventions
- Finding Help/More Information
- What is the Tenor AX?
- Features
- Capabilities
- SNMP Support
- Dynamic Call Routing
- Tenor AX Call Paths
- Configuration
- Advanced Features/Capabilities
- H.323 Gatekeeper Services
- SIP User Agent
- Hardware Description
- Back Panel
- Cables
- Pin Cable
- DB-9 Serial RS-232 Cable
- Specifications
- troubleshooting
- Installation
- Rack Install
- Connect to Phone/FXS Interface
- Connect to Line/FXO Interface
- Connect to Ethernet LAN
- Connect to PC Console
- Power up the System
- Assign IP address
- Change IP Address
- Getting Started with Configuration/Making the First Call
- Load Software Upgrade
- Common Symptoms/Problems
- Monitor LEDs
- Valid Alarms
- Display all Alarms
- Display Active Alarms
- Verify Unit Provisioning
- Restore Factory Defaults
- Change Password
- documentation notice
- fcc warnings
- declaration of conformity
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