62 CHAPTER 3: SETTING UP FOR M ANAGEMENTConnecting the Workstation to the Switch1 Connect the workstation to the console port using the console cable asshown in Figure 26.Figure 26 Connecting a Workstation to the Switch via the Console PortTo connect the cable:a Attach the RJ-45 connector on the cable to the switch’s console port.b Attach the other end of the cable to the workstation and tighten theretaining screws on the cable to prevent it from loosening.2 Open your terminal emulation software and configure the COM portsettings to which you have connected the cable. Make sure that thesettings match the switch’s default settings, which are:■ 19,200 baud (bits per second)■ 8 data bits■ no parity■ 1 stop bit■ no hardware flow controlRefer to the terminal emulation software’s documentation for moreinformation about these settings.3 Power up the switch. The switch performs its Power on Self Test (POST).Setting Up the Switch with IP InformationTo manually set up the switch with IP information using the commandline interface, perform the following steps.1 The command line interface login sequence begins as soon as the switchdetects a connection to its console port. If the login prompt does notbegin immediately, press Return a few times until it starts.2 At the Username prompt, enter admin as your user name and pressReturn. At the password prompt press Return again. Either <500G-EI>Console PortConnectionWorkstation(with terminal emulationsoftware installed)Console CableSwitch