Upgrading from the Command Line Interface 93To set the remaining switches in the fabric to load the new bootromfirmware, replace unit1 with unit2 and so on for each switch in thefabric.3 You will now need to reboot the fabric for the changes to take effect. Theswitch will upgrade the bootrom firmware and boot from the specifiedsoftware .app file.The files that you have saved in the backup phase should be deleted oncethe upgrade has completed successfully.FTP (via a networkport)To upgrade software to your switch via FTP do the following:1 Enter the following command from User View:ftp aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa(where aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa is the IP address of the FTP server)If the FTP server has been successfully located, the following informationis displayed:Trying...Press CTRL+K to abortConnectedInformation on your FTP server is displayed, logon with your usernameand password.2 To download the application file, enter:binaryget s4a03_01_04s56.appThe following information is displayed if the download has beensuccessful:200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection fors4a03_01_04s56.app(3765073 bytes).......226 Transfercomplete.FTP: 3765073byte(s) received in 376.5073 second(s)10000.00 byte(s)/sec.