2 ABOUT THIS GUIDEConventionsThe icon conventions that are used throughout this guide are:The text conventions used in this guide are:Icon Type DescriptionInformation Note Information notes call attention toimportant features or instructions.Caution Cautions alert you to personal safetyrisk, system damage, or loss of data.Warning Warnings alert you to the risk ofsevere personal injury.Convention Description“Enter” vs. “Type” When the word “enter” is used in this guide,it means type something, then press the[Return] or [Enter] key. Do not press the[Return] or [Enter] key when an instructionsimply says “type.”Text represented asscreen displayThis typeface is used to representdisplays on your screen, for example:Enter the unit’s IP address:Text represented ascommandsThis typeface is used to representcommands that you enter, for example:CO IS NUKeys When specific keys are referred to in thetext, they are called out by their labels, suchas “the Return key” or “the Escape key,” orthey may be shown as [Return] or [Esc].If two or more keys are to be pressedsimultaneously, the keys are linked with aplus sign (+), for example:Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].Italics Italics are used to denote new terms oremphasis.