5 SOFTWARE M AINTENANCESoftware The files managed by the router are of 3 types:■ Boot ROM file■ Application file (main software)■ Configuration fileThe router software maintenance mainly refers to the maintenance of those threetypes of files, including upgrade and download of Boot ROM and application files,as well as upload and download of configuration file.Boot Menu This section introduces the Boot menu, which is used during the softwaremaintenance of a router.Set up configuration environment in accordance with Figure 4.1 Localconfiguration through CON port, and then start the router. When theconfiguration terminal prompts the information “Press Ctrl-B to enter BootMenu”, press . Then the system prompts the information:Please input Boot ROM password:Press quickly as the prompt “Press Ctrl-B to Enter Boot Menu...” appearsand enter the Boot menu. Otherwise, the program decompression process willbegin.To enter the Boot menu after the router starts the program decompressionprocess, reboot the router.Enter the correct password, then press (if no Boot ROM password hasbeen set, just press ), and the system will enter the Boot menu. Thefollowing information will be displayed:Boot menu on 3000 DSLFamilyBoot Menu:1: Download application program with XMODEM2: Download application program with NET3: Clear configuration4: Clear application password5: Start up and ignore configuration6: Enter debugging environment7: Boot Ram Operation Menu8: Do not check the version of the software9: Exit and rebootEnter your choice(1-9):