26 CHAPTER 1: P RE-I NSTALLATION GUIDELINESGathering SiteInformationThe VCX V7000 hardware servers communicate with each other using IPaddresses. These addresses must be dedicated (static) and must becompatible with your network design.The next sections describe the information you need to gather or decidefor each of these systems.Using DNS 3Com recommends that customers configure DNS servers so that theyknow the IP addresses and host names of all VCX servers and gateways.3Com does not support NIS or WINS as domain name resolution methodsfor VCX products.Single OfficeConfigurationsVCX systems for single offices contain either two or four servers. Gatherthe following information before you start installing the VCX system.Two ServersYou must dedicate four IP addresses, one for each NIC (2 per server)Four ServersYou must dedicate eight IP addresses, one for each NIC (2 per server)GatewaysYou must also dedicate IP addresses for use by the gateways:■ Each analog gateway requires one IP address. There are two types ofanalog gateways. FXS gateways connect to analog telephones and faxmachines. FX0 gateways connect to analog telephone lines providedby the telephone company and enable the VCX system to make andreceive telephone calls over analog lines.The 3Com V6000 (Analog) Integrated Branch Communications Platformcontains both FXO and FXS analog interfaces. (The V6100 does not.)■ Each digital gateway with 8 or fewer T1/E1 spans requires one IPaddress. Digital gateways enable the VCX system to make and receivetelephone calls over digital channels (T1/E1).■ Each digital gateway with more than 8 T1/E1 spans requires two IPaddresses.