6 ABOUT THIS GUIDEDocumentation The MSS documentation set includes the following documents. Wireless LAN Switch Manager (3WXM) Release NotesThese notes provide information about the 3WXM software release,including new features and bug fixes. Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Release NotesThese notes provide information about the MSS software release,including new features and bug fixes. Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Quick Start GuideThis guide provides instructions for performing basic setup of secure(802.1X) and guest (WebAAA™) access, for configuring a MobilityDomain for roaming, and for accessing a sample network plan in3WXM for advanced configuration and management.Table 2 Text ConventionsConvention DescriptionMonospace text Sets off command syntax or sample commands and systemresponses.Bold text Highlights commands that you enter or items you select.Italic text Designates command variables that you replace withappropriate values, or highlights publication titles or wordsrequiring special emphasis.[ ] (square brackets) Enclose optional parameters in command syntax.{ } (curly brackets) Enclose mandatory parameters in command syntax.| (vertical bar) Separates mutually exclusive options in command syntax.Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the keynames are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:Press Ctrl+Alt+DelWords in italics Italics are used to: Emphasize a point. Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in thetext. Highlight an example string, such as a username or SSID.