U SING RF AUTO -TUNING WITHMODELLINGWhat Is RFAuto-Tuning withModelling?RF Auto-Tuning with modelling is a technique you can use to configureand implement your network that builds on the RF Auto-Tuning method.You will, as the name implies, still use RF Auto-Tuning (auto tuning) toadjust power and channel settings to provide RF signals to the coveragearea for your users. You’ll then enhance the auto tuning feature byproviding modelling information about your geographic location.To use this technique, you will complete the tasks described in “Using RFAuto-Tuning” on page 97. Then, you’ll complete the following steps inyour network plan:1 Add site information (buildings and floors) or import a floor drawing2 Add RF obstacles (optional)3 Add an RF coverage areaBy providing some information about your buildings and floors, you addenough details into 3WXM so that you can better visualize your networktopology and support improved monitoring at your site.To learn more about the benefits of RF Auto-Tuning with modelling, see“RF Auto-Tuning with Modelling” on page 32.5