55User Manual ENGLISHEAP/OWL-Series Wave 2 Enterprise Access PointCopyright © 2017, 4ipnet, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.7.2 InterfacesTraffic information is available per interface. Recorded data includes Packets In, Packets Out, Traffic In (kb),and Traffic Out (kb).A real time plot is also available for each interface, whose time axis is configurable with the followingoptions: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes. Left click on the mouse to zoom in on desiredregions. Double click to return the plot to its original scale.7.3 Associated ClientsThe administrator can remotely oversee the status of all associated clients on this page. When a low SNRis found here, the administrator can tune the corresponding parameters or investigate the settings ofassociated clients to improve network communication performance.A real time plot is also available for each interface, whose time axis is configurable with the followingoptions: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes. Left click on the mouse to zoom in on desiredregions. Double click to return the plot to its original scale.Associated VAP: The name of the VAP that the client is associated with.ESSID: The Extended Service Set ID which the client is associated with.MAC Address: The MAC address of associated clients.RSSI: The Received Signal Sensitivity Index of respective client’s association.Packet Error Ratio: Indication of the associated client’s service quality to see if packets are not received.Idle Time: Time period that the associated client is inactive for; the time unit is in seconds.Up time: Time period that the client is associated for; the time unit is in seconds.Real Time (Plot): A real time plot of each associated client’s traffic information including Packets In/Out,Traffic In/Out in Kb, RSSI, Uplink/Downlink Rates, and etc.Disconnect: Upon clicking Kick, the client will be disconnected from the system.