All start and directional outputs are mapped to the logical node data model of thetrip function and provided via the IEC 61850 attributes dirGeneral, DIRL1, DIRL2,DIRL3 and DIRN. Blocking of the function block M14828-21 v4Total block of the trip function is done by activating the input BLOCK and can beused to disable the outputs of the trip logic in the event of internal failures. Blockof lock-out output is achieved by activating the input BLKLKOUT.9.1.3 Setting guidelines M12274-3 v8The parameters for tripping logic SMPPTRC are set via the local HMI or PCM600.Operation: Sets the mode of operation. Off switches the tripping off. The normalselection is On.Program: Sets the required tripping scheme. Normally 3 phase or 1ph/3ph is used.TripLockout: Sets the scheme for lock-out. Off only activates the closing circuitlock-out output. On activates the closing circuit lock-out output and latches theTRIP related outputs. The normal selection is Off.AutoLock: Sets the scheme for lock-out. Off only activates lock-out through theinput SETLKOUT. On additionally allows lock-out activation via the trip inputs.The normal selection is Off.tTripMin: Sets the required minimum duration of the trip pulse. It should be set toensure that the circuit breaker is opened correctly. The normal setting is 0.150s.tWaitForPHS: Sets a duration during which external phase selection must operatein order to get a single phase trip, after any of the inputs 1PTRZ or 1PTREF hasbeen activated. If no phase selection has been achieved, a three-phase trip will beissued after this time has elapsed.tEvolvingFault: Secures two- or three-pole tripping depending on Programselection during evolving faults.9.2 Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC IP15121-1 v49.2.1 IdentificationSEMOD167882-2 v3Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberTrip matrix logic TMAGAPC - -1MRK 511 423-UEN A Section 9LogicBay control REC650 2.2 IEC 177Application manual