Table 3.3.1-1 PICS for A-Profile supportValue/CommentServerClientF/SF/SSUPPORTEDc1c1Client/Server A-ProfileA1SUPPORTEDc2c2GOOSE/GSE ManagementA-ProfleA2-c3c3GSSE A-ProfileA3-c4c4TimeSync A-ProfileA4c1 – shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified for Client/S are declared within theACSI basic conformance statement.c2 – shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified for GOOSE/GSE Management aredeclared within the ACSI basic conformance statement.c3 – shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified for GSSE A-Profile are declaredwithin the ACSI basic conformance statement.c4 – support for at least one other A-Profile shall be declared (e.g. in A1-A3) in orderto claim conformance to IEC 61850-8-1.Table 3.3.1-2 PICS for T-Profile supportValue/CommentServerClientF/SF/SSUPPORTEDc1c1TCP/IP T-ProfileT1-c2c2OSI T-ProfileT2SUPPORTEDc3c3GOOSE/GSE T-ProfileT3-c4c4GSSE T-ProfileT4-ooTimeSync T-ProfileT5c1 – shall be ‘m’ if support for A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be “i”c2 – shall be “o” if support for A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be “i”.c3 – shall be ‘m’ if support for A2 is declared. Otherwise, shall be “i”.c4 – shall be ‘m’ if support for A3 is declared. Otherwise, shall be “i”.MMS Conformance3.3.2.MMS conformance is guaranteed by MMS stack vendor, i.e. Systems Integration Spe-cialists Company, Inc. (SISCO).23COM600 series 5.01MRS758692Slave Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual