Channel attributes6.3.3.Table 6.3.3-1 Modbus TCP Channel attributesDescriptionValue or Value range/ DefaultProperty / ParameterData type: Integer.Access: No limitations.Specifies whether the channelis in use or not. When a chan-nel is not in use, no data canbe transmitted on it, and nodata is received from it. Thechannel attributes can be readas usual. Generally, a channelmust be taken out of use bysetting this attribute to 0 beforethe channel attributes can bewritten.When a channel is stopped bysetting the In use attribute to 0,all data transmission on thechannel ceases. Before that,the protocol stack executes tothe end all on-going datatransactions. For example, thepolling of the station in turn iscompleted.0 = Not in use, the channelcommunication is stopped1 = In useDefault: 0In UseDiagnostic Counters (TCP/IP)The number of transmittedtelegrams.Transmitted TelegramsThe number of failed transmis-sions.Failed TransmissionsThe number of transmittedcommands.Transmitted CommandsThe number of transmittedreplies.Transmitted RepliesThe number of received datamessages.Received MessagesThe number of times there hasbeen a buffer overflow.Buffer Overflow ErrorsIncremented each time a TCPconnect request is received.TCP ConnectIncremented each time a TCPconnect request is accepted.TCP AcceptIncremented each time a TCPconnection is closed.TCP Close601MRS758692COM600 series 5.0Slave Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual