66 Communication profiles ReferencesReferences are 16-bit words containing a sign bit and a 15-bitinteger. A negative reference (indicating reversed direction ofrotation) is formed by calculating the two’s complement from thecorresponding positive reference.ABB drives can receive control information from multiple sourcesincluding analog and digital inputs, the drive control panel and acommunication module (for example, FSCA-01). To have the drivecontrolled through the fieldbus, the module must be defined as thesource for control information, for example, reference.ScalingReferences are scaled as shown below.Note: The values of REF1 MAX and REF2 MAX are set with driveparameters. See the drive manuals for further information.In ACSM1, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, ACS860 and ACS530 thespeed reference (REFx) in decimal (0…20000) corresponds to0…100% of the speed scaling value (as defined with a driveparameter, eg, ACS880 parameter 46.01 Speed scaling).In ACS355, drive parameter REFx MIN may limit the actualminimum reference.DriveFieldbus0REFx MAX / Speed scale-(REFx MAX) / Speed scale0REF2: -10000REF1: -20000REF2: 10000REF1: 20000