• VMSQI - Voltage sequence measurement• VNMMXU - Phase-neutral voltage measurement• MVGAPC - IEC 61850 generic communication I/ O functionsGeneric function blocks are provided to make available to the 61850 bus signalsthat are not defined inside any of the available function blocks. Example of suchfunctions include:• SPGAPC - IEC 61850 generic communication I/ O functions• DPGAPC - IEC 61850 generic communication I/ O functions• MVGAPC - IEC 61850 generic communication I/ O functionsControlOf the different control sequences, the ‘direct-with-normal-security’ and ‘SBO-with-enhanced’ security are supported (defined by the ctlModel parameter, IEC61850-7-2).Check bits; interlock check and synchrocheck check, are only valid for LN typesbased upon CSWI class.Verification of Originator Category is supported, see also PIXIT.GOOSE simulationReceiving GOOSE simulation is supported according to IEC 61850-7-2.You can enable the GOOSE-simulation feature in PST (Parameter Setting Tool) bysetting "AllowSimulation" to "Yes", IEC 61850 is set to "true" and GOOSEsimulation activates. From then on, receiving GOOSE with simulation-bit (set inthe GOOSE header) is treated as real GOOSE and the original real GOOSE isignored.If you switch the simulated GOOSE off, the GOOSE receiver does notautomatically switch back to the real original GOOSE. Internal GOOSE data is setto invalid, because the simulated GOOSE is missing. Only if the GOOSE-simulation feature is switched off in PST by setting "AllowGOOSESimulation" to"No" (...LD0.LPHD1.Sim.stVal, IEC 61850 is set to "false"), the real GOOSEbecomes active again and simulated GOOSE is ignored.If the PST setting “AllowGOOSESimulation” is set to “No”(default), all operations to LPHD.Sim data object will be rejected.Service tracking (available for IEC 61850 Ed2)The LN ALTRK1 allows to track service parameters. The service parameters willstay visible after the execution of service. For this purpose, common data classesare specified which contain the parameters of the services according to IEC61850-7-2 Ed2.1MRK 511 393-UEN A Section 5Supported services670 series 2.2 IEC 35Communication protocol manual