RCA Relay characteristic angleRISC Reduced instruction set computerRMS value Root mean square valueRS422 A balanced serial interface for the transmission of digitaldata in point-to-point connectionsRS485 Serial link according to EIA standard RS485RTC Real-time clockRTU Remote terminal unitSA Substation AutomationSBO Select-before-operateSC Switch or push button to closeSCL Short circuit locationSCS Station control systemSCADA Supervision, control and data acquisitionSCT System configuration tool according to standard IEC61850SDU Service data unitSFP Small form-factor pluggable (abbreviation)Optical Ethernet port (explanation)SLM Serial communication module.SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector withconstant impedance.SMT Signal matrix tool within PCM600SMS Station monitoring systemSNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronizecomputer clocks on local area networks. This reduces therequirement to have accurate hardware clocks in everyembedded system in a network. Each embedded node caninstead synchronize with a remote clock, providing therequired accuracy.SOF Status of faultSPA Strömberg Protection Acquisition (SPA), a serial master/slave protocol for point-to-point and ring communication.SRY Switch for CB ready conditionST Switch or push button to tripStarpoint Neutral point of transformer or generatorSVC Static VAr compensation1MRK 511 393-UEN A Section 9Glossary670 series 2.2 IEC 59Communication protocol manual