Checking the communication link operationThere are several different communication links on the product. First check that allcommunication ports that are used for communication are turned on.1. Check the front communication port RJ-45.1.1. Check that the uplink LED is lit with a steady green light.The uplink LED is located on the LHMI above the RJ-45communication port on the left. The port is used for direct electricalcommunication to a PC connected via a crossed-over Ethernet cable.1.2. Check the communication status of the front port via the LHMI in Mainmenu/Test/Function status/Communication/1:DOSFRNT/Outputs.Check that the LINKUP value is 1, that is, the communication isworking. When the value is 0, there is no communication link.The rear port connector X0 is used for connecting an externalHMI to the IED. If the LINKUP value is 0 for front port, thereis no communication link via port X0. Do not use rear portconnector X0 if the IED is equipped with an LHMI.2. Check the communication status of the rear port X1 via the LHMI in Mainmenu/Test/Function status/Communication/1:DOSLAN1/Outputs.The X1 communication port on the rear side of the IED is for optical Ethernetvia LC connector or electrical via RJ-45 connector of the IEC 61850-8-1station bus communication.• Check that the LINKUP value is 1, that is, the communication isworking. When the value is 0, there is no communication link. Checking the time synchronization• Select Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/General and check the status ofthe time synchronization on Time Synch.The Time synch value is Ready when the synchronization is in order. Note thatthe time synchronization source has to be activated. Otherwise the value isalways Ready.8.1.4 Running the display testTo run the display test, either use the push buttons or start the test via the menu.• Select Main menu/Tests/LED test.• Press or simultaneously and .All the LEDs are tested by turning them on simultaneously. The display showsa set of patterns so that all the pixels are activated. After the test, the displayreturns to normal state.Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN -Troubleshooting94Commissioning Manual