If the FLA secondary is set to 0.5, the maximum measured current is25 x full load current of the motor.The FLA secondary does not affect the ground-fault current, In . Disturbance recorderThe relay includes an internal disturbance recorder which records the instantaneousmeasured values or the RMS curves of the measured signals, and up to eight user-selectable digital signals: the digital input signals and the internal signals from theprotection elements. Any digital signal can be set to trigger the recorder on either thefalling or rising edge. Front panelThe front panel of the relay contains:* Alphanumeric 2 × 16 characters’ LCD with backlight and automatic contrastcontrol* Threetarget LEDs (green, yellow, red) with fixed functionality* Eight programmable target LEDs (red)* HMI push-button section with four arrow buttons and buttons for clear/canceland enter, used in navigating in the menu structure and in adjusting setting values* Optically isolated serial communication port with a target LED.There are two levels of HMI passwords; main HMI setting password for all settingsand HMI communication password for communication settings only.The HMI passwords can be set to protect all user-changeable values from beingchanged by an unauthorized person. Both the HMI setting password and the HMIcommunication password remain inactive and are not required for altering parametervalues until the default HMI password is replaced.Entering the HMI setting or communication password successfully canbe selected to generate an event code. This feature can be used toindicate interaction activities via the local HMI.For further information on the HMI, refer to the Operator’s Manual.22REM 610REM 610 Motor Protection RelayTechnical Reference Manual - ANSI Version1MRS755537