Disturbance recorder dataOne recording contains data from the four analog channels and up to eight digitalchannels. The analog channels, whose data is stored either as RMS curves or asinstantaneous measured values, are the measured by the relay. The digital channels,referred to as digital signals, are pickup and trip signals from the protection elementsand the digital input signals linked to the relay.The user can select up to eight digital signals to be recorded. If more than eightsignals are selected, the first eight signals are stored, beginning with the internalsignals followed by the digital input signals.The digital signals to be stored are selected with parameters V238 and V243; seeTable 5.1.15.-5 and Table 5.1.15.-6.The recording length varies according to the selected sampling frequency. The RMScurve is recorded by selecting the sampling frequency to be the same as the nominalfrequency of the relay. The sampling frequency is selected with SPA parameter M15;see the table below for details.Table Sampling frequencyNominal frequency Hz Sampling frequency Hz Cycles50 800 250400 50050a) 400060 960 250480 50060a) 4000a) RMS curve.Recording length:s = CyclesNominal frequency [Hz][ ] (4)Changing the setting values of parameters M15, V238 and V243 is allowed onlywhen the recorder is not triggered.The post-triggering recording length defines the time during which the recordercontinues to store data after it has been triggered. The length can be changed withSPA parameter V240. If the post-triggering recording length is defined to be thesame as the total recording length, no data stored prior to the triggering is retained inthe memory. By the time the post-triggering recording finishes, a completerecording is created.Triggering of the recorder immediately after it has been cleared or the auxiliaryvoltage connected may result in a shortened total recording length. Disconnection ofthe auxiliary voltage after the recorder has been triggered, but before the recordinghas finished, on the other hand, may result in a shortened post-triggering recordinglength. This, however, does not affect the total recording length.66REM 610REM 610 Motor Protection RelayTechnical Reference Manual - ANSI Version1MRS755537