15 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010To install the license server:1. Start the setup program.2. Click Install Acronis License Server.3. Accept the terms of the license agreement.4. Click Import keys from file... and specify the file containing the list of license keys. You canspecify multiple files one by one or enter the license keys manually.Details. You will be able to import additional license keys later at any moment, by specifying afile containing the keys or by typing them in manually.5. Use the default values for Install to: and Install for:6. Proceed with installation.Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 uses TCP port 9876 for local installation and for communicationbetween components. The setup program automatically opens this port through Windows Firewall. Ifyou use a different firewall, make sure that the port is open for both incoming and outgoing requeststhrough that firewall.2.1.2 Installation procedureDo the following to install Acronis Backup & Recovery 10:1. Run the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 setup file.2. Click Install Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.3. Do either of the following: To install the product with full functionality (including online backup), click Fully-functionalAcronis Backup & Recovery 10. To install the product for online backup only, click Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 for onlinebackup only.4. If you chose to install the fully-functional product, specify the name or IP address of the AcronisLicense Server. Otherwise, skip this step.5. Select the product edition that you want to install.Management Console, Management Server, and Storage Node are the same in all editions. Wheninstalling any of these components, you can select the Install the components that are availablein all editions... check box instead of selecting the edition. The installation will not use up alicense in either case.6. Select the components and specify the component features that you want to install.7. If prompted, specify one or more of the following parameters depending on your componentselection: Credentials for the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 component services. By default, the setupprogram will create a dedicated user account for each service. See "Specifying credentials forAcronis services (p. 16)". The names of Microsoft SQL servers to be used by Acronis Backup & Recovery 10Management Server. See "Specifying Microsoft SQL servers (p. 16)". Whether to register Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows and/or AcronisBackup & Recovery 10 Storage Node on the management server. See "Registeringcomponents on the management server (p. 17)". The names of users who will be allowed to connect to the machine remotely. See "Specifyingusers allowed to connect remotely (p. 18)".