20 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010UpdateTo update one or more components on a remote machine, repeat the installation procedure.Upgrade to a full versionTo upgrade one or more components from a trial to a full version, import the full license keys forthese components to the license server, and then repeat the installation procedure. To upgrade froma trial version to a version for online backup only, repeat the installation procedure withoutspecifying license keys.2.3 Unattended installation in WindowsAcronis components, such as Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows, can be installed inthe unattended mode, as opposed to the interactive mode.If you are installing Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows, you need the configurationscript mst_gen.vbs, which is located in the folder where Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 ManagementConsole is installed—by default, C:\Program Files\Acronis\BackupAndRecoveryConsole. If themanagement console is installed on a different machine, you can copy the script from that machine.The following components and features can be reinstalled or updated in the unattended mode: Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows AcronisAgentWindows.msi Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Universal Restore: AcronisUniversalRestore.msi Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Deduplication: AcronisDeduplication.msi Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Bootable Media Builder:AcronisBootableComponentsMediaBuilder.msi Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Console for advanced editions:AcronisManagementConsole.msi Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Console for stand-alone editions:AcronisStandaloneManagementConsole.msiBefore installing the agent's features (such as Universal Restore), you need to install the agent itself.To install, reinstall, or update a component in the unattended mode1. Run the setup program.2. Click Extract installation files.3. Extract the component's installation package.4. If you are installing Agent for Windows, create a transform (an .mst file) for the agent'sinstallation package by running the configuration script. Otherwise, skip this step.For example, the following command creates a transform to install Agent for Windows with thetrial license key ABCDE-54321:mst_gen.vbs /msi_path C:\AcronisAgentWindows.msi /serial ABCDE-54321See also the example later in this section. The complete syntax of the configuration script isdescribed in "Configuration script parameters (p. 21)".5. Do either of the following, depending on whether you are installing, reinstalling, or updating thecomponent: If you are installing the component, run Windows Installer (the msiexec program) specifyingthe names of both the installation package and (if needed) the transform as follows: