WaterMaster 25 - 35 - 45 - 70 - 85 - 120 : A1006482 - 664Y7300 • Den20ENFRNLESITDEPLRUTECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSCHIMNEY CONNECTION CHARACTERISTICS FLUE PIPE CONNECTION TYPESIt is mandatory to use ACV flue systems to connect the appliance.B23P: : Connection to a combustion product exhaust system designed to operate with positive pressure.B23 : Connection to an exhaust duct that discharges the combustion products outside the roomwhere it is installed, with the combustion air being drawn directly from the boiler room.C13(x) : Connection using pipes fitted with a horizontal terminal that simultaneously takes in combustion airfor the burner and discharges combustion products outside through openings that are either concen-tric or close enough together to be subjected to similar wind conditions, i.e. openings shall fit inside asquare of 50 cm for appliances up to 70 kW and inside a square of 100 cm for appliances above 70 kW.C33(x) : Connection using pipes fitted with a vertical terminal that simultaneously takes in fresh air for theburner and discharges combustion products outside through openings that are either concentricor close enough together to be subjected to similar wind conditions , i.e. openings shall fit inside asquare of 50 cm for appliances up to 70 kW and inside a square of 100 cm for appliances above 70 kW.C43(x) : Connection using two pipes to a collective duct system serving more than one appliance; thissystem of collective ducts features two pipes connected to a terminal unit that simultaneous-ly takes in fresh air for the burner and discharges the combustion products outside throughopenings that are either concentric or close enough together to be subjected to similar windconditions. C43(x) appliances are suitable for a connection to a natural draught chimney only.C53(x) : Connection to separate ducts for supplying combustion air and discharging combustion prod-ucts; these ducts may end in zones with different pressure levels, but are not allowed to beinstalled on opposite walls of the building.C63(x) : Type C appliance meant to be connected to a system for supplying combustion air and discharg-ing combustion products, that is approved and sold separately (Prohibited in some countries(e.g. Belgium) - refer to local regulations and standards in force). Terminals for the supply ofcombustion air and for the evacuation of combustion products are not allowed to be installed onopposite walls of the building. See also the following additional specifications:• Maximum allowable draught is 200 Pa.• Maximum allowable pressure difference between combustion air inlet and flue gas outlet(including wind pressures) as follows: 95 Pa (WM 25), 130 Pa (WM 35-45), 110 Pa (WM 70),160 Pa (WM 85) and 170 Pa (WM 120).• Condensate flow is allowed into the appliance.• Maximum allowable recirculation rate of 10% under wind conditions.C83(x) : Connection using a single or double duct system. The system is made of a normal exhaustflue duct that discharges the combustion products. The appliance is also connected througha second duct fitted with a terminal, that supplies the burner with fresh outdoor air. Pleasecontact your ACV representative for the meters of flue pipes that can be used to connect theappliance(s).C93(x) : Connection using an individual system whose combustion product exhaust duct is installed inan exhaust duct that is integral with the building. The appliance, the exhaust duct and the ter-minal units are certified as an inseparable assembly. Minimum usable diameter for the verticalduct supplying the combustion air is 100 mm.The C93 configuration enables airtight operation in a pre-existing chimney. The combustionair crosses the space between the tubing and the pre-existing chimney. Make sure to cleanthe pre-existing chimney thoroughly prior to installation, especially if there is soot or tarresidue. Make sure that there is a clearance area for the combustion air at least equivalentto the area that would have been provided by separate concentric ducts or air intake ducts.C13C33C53C43C43C43C33 B23PC43C43C43C93B23Main Characteristics WM 25 WM 35 WM 45 WM 70 WM 85 WM 120Air/flue pipe Ø concentric mm 80/125 80/125 80/125 100/150 100/150 100/150parallel mm 80/80 80/80 80/80 100/100 100/100 100/100Max. allowed flue pipepressure drop Pa 95 130 130 110 160 170Max recommended length ofconcentric flue pipe (correspondinglength in meters of straight pipes) *Ø 80/125, terminal included60 39 22 — — —Max recommended length ofconcentric flue pipe (correspondinglength in meters of straight pipes) *Ø 100/150, terminal included130*** 90*** 53*** 20 19 18Max recommended length(corresponding length in meters ofstraight pipes) *RigidØ 80Flex.Ø 80RigidØ 80Flex.Ø 80RigidØ 80Flex.Ø 80RigidØ 100Flex.Ø 100RigidØ 100Flex.Ø 100RigidØ 100Flex.Ø 100RigidØ 100Flex.Ø 10056 26 37 17 19 9 76 34 17 8 17 8 9 4Available connection types B23 - B23P - C13(x) - C33(x) - C43(x) - C53(x)** - C63(x) - C83(x) - C93(x)* See next page to calculate the flue pipe length.** A C53 connection of the WaterMaster appliances requires an optional accessory.*** Not recommended - For more information, please contact your ACV representative.It is mandatory to ventilate the boiler room. The high or low air vent openingdimensions depend on the appliance power and the boiler room size. Referto the local regulations in force.