A.D.J. Supply Europe B.V. – www.americandj.eu – CRAZY POCKET 8 User Instructions Page 11OFFSET SUBMENUTo enter the Offset Menu, press the ENTER button for at least 3 seconds. In this submenu you are able toadjust the home positions of the pan & tilt motor.Pan Offset - Adjustment of the pan home position.1. Press the ENTER button for at least 3 seconds, then press the UP or DOWN buttons so that “oPAn” isdisplayed, and press ENTER.2. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to make your adjustments, and then press ENTER to confirm. Press theMENU button for one second to exit.Tilt 1 Offset - Adjustment of the tilt home position for the 1 (top) bar.1. Press the ENTER button for at least 3 seconds, then press the UP or DOWN buttons so that “Til 1” isdisplayed, and press ENTER.2. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to make your adjustments, and then press ENTER to confirm. Press theMENU button for one second to exit.Tilt 2 Offset - Adjustment of the tilt home position for the 2 (bottom) bar.1. Press the ENTER button for at least 3 seconds, then press the UP or DOWN buttons so that “Til 2” isdisplayed, and press ENTER.2. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to make your adjustments, and then press ENTER to confirm. Press theMENU button for one second to exit.OPERATIONOperating Modes: The Crazy Pocket 8 can operate in three different modes. In each mode you can run thefixture as a stand alone fixture or in a master/slave configuration. This next section will detail the differences inthe operating modes.Universal DMX Control: This function allows you to use a universal DMX-512 controller to control the chasesand patterns, dimmer and strobe. A DMX controller allows you to create unique programs tailored to yourindividual needs.1. The Crazy Pocket 8 has 4 DMX Channel modes; 1 Channel, 9 Channels, 17 Channels, & 21 Channels. Seepages 13-16 for detailed description of the DMX values and traits.2. To control your fixture in DMX mode, follow the set-up procedures on pages 5-6 as well as the set-upspecifications that are included with your DMX controller.3. Use the controller’s faders to control the various DMX fixture traits.4. This will allow you to create your own programs.5. Follow the instructions on page 9 to select your desired DMX channel mode and to set the DMX address.6. For longer cable runs (more than a 100 feet) use a terminator on the last fixture.7. For help operating in DMX mode consult the manual included with your DMX controller.Sound Active Mode: This mode allows either single unit or several units linked together, to run to the beat ofthe music.1. Press the MENU button until “SOUN” is displayed, and press ENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN button so that “ON” is displayed. The unit will now run to the beat of the music.3. The sound sensitivity can be adjusted by pressing the MENU button until “SENS” is displayed, and thenpress ENTER. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust the sound sensitivity, 1 being the least sensitive, and100 being the most sensitive.Pan OffsetTilt 1 OffsetTilt 2 Offset