23D M X S E T U PDMX ADDRESSINGAll fixtures should be given a DMX starting address when operating with a DMX controller, in orderto ensure that the correct fixture responds to the correct control signal. This digital starting address isthe channel number from which the fixture starts to “listen” to the digital control signal sent out fromthe DMX controller. The assignment of this starting DMX address is achieved by setting the correctDMX address on the digital control display on the fixture.You can set the same starting address for all fixtures or a group of fixtures, or set different addressesfor each individual fixture. Setting all fixtures to the same DMX address will cause all fixtures to reactin the same way. In this case, please note that changing the settings of one channel will affect all thefixtures simultaneously.If you set each fixture to a different DMX address, each unit will start to “listen” to the channel numberyou have set, based on the quantity of DMX channels of each fixture. That means changing the set-tings of one channel will only affect the selected fixture.As an example, when operating this device in 2 channel mode, you should set the starting DMXaddress of the first unit to 1, the second unit to 3 (1 + 2), the third unit to 5 (1 + 2 + 2), and so on.(See the chart below for more details.)Channel Mode Unit 1 Address Unit 2 Address Unit 3 Address Unit 4 Address2 Channels 1 3 5 73 Channels 1 4 7 106 Channels 1 7 13 19