ADJ Products, LLC - - Saber Spot WW Instruction Manual Page 9ADJ Products, LLC - - Saber Spot WW Instruction Manual Page 8Saber Spot WW System MenuSystem Menu: When making adjustments press ENTER toconfirm your setup then press and hold the MENU buttonfor at least 3 seconds. To exit without making any adjust-ments press the MENU button. The display will lock after 30seconds, press the MENU button for 3 seconds to unlock.DMX MODE - DMX Address Setting.1. Press the either the MENU, UP, or DOWN buttons until “ DMXMODE” is displayed, press ENTER.2. The current address will now be displayed and flashing.Press the UP or DOWN buttons to find your desired address.Press ENTER to set your desired DMX address.CHANNEL - This will let select your desired DMXchannel mode.1. Press the either the MENU button until “CHANNEL” is dis-played, press ENTER. The current DMX channel mode will bedisplayed.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to find your desired DMXchannel mode and press ENTER to confirm and exit.SECONDARY - This will let you set the unit as thesecondary in a primary/secondary configuration.1. Press the MENU button until “SECONDARY” isdisplayed, press ENTER.LOOK - In this mode you can run a show mode.1. Press the MENU button until “LOOK” is displayed, pressENTER.2. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to find your desired mode.Saber Spot WW System MenuSoftware UpdatePlease Wait ...ADJSOFTWAREV1.0 3About LED protectionWhen reach 65 degree, the power consumption is reduced to 82%. When the sensor isdamaged, the power consumption is reduced to 65%.SN MENU DISPLAY FUNCTION1 DMX MODEADDR 001Address setting001- 5122 CHANNNEL 4CH 1/2/4CH(see channel mode)3 Secondry Secondary mode4 LOOKStore:01 Store mode 01- 135 ResetNOYes,press ENTER to resume the factorydefault setting6 ManualW 000- 255 S 000- 255Manual dimmerW 000- 255 strobe S000- 2557 DimCurveStandard5 kinds Dimmer curveStandard, Stage, TV, Architec,Theatre8 NO DMX No DMX modeHold Blackout, Hold, LOOK9 TempUnit C/F10 Temp Val Temperature show: xxx F11 AUTOLOCK Display keylock OFF/ON12 IR Active IR setting OFF/ON13 FlipDisplay Flip display OFF/ONDisplay MenuSpecial Remark: