61203019L1-1 NT1 ACE User Manual ixAFFIDAVIT REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTIONTO DIGITAL SERVICES• An affidavit is required to be given to the tele-phone company whenever digital terminalequipment without encoded analog contentand billing protection is used to transmit digi-tal signals containing encoded analog contentwhich are intended for eventual conversioninto voiceband analog signals and transmittedon the network.• The affidavit shall affirm that either no encod-ed analog content or billing information is be-ing transmitted or that the output of the devicemeets Part 68 encoded analog content or bill-ing protection specifications.• End user/customer will be responsible to filean affidavit with the local exchange carrierwhen connecting unprotected CPE to a 1.544Mbps or subrate digital services.• Until such time as subrate digital terminalequipment is registered for voice applications,the affidavit requirement for subrate servicesis waived.