ADTRAN /FXS/FXO 850 Quad Job Aid
C A U T I O NC A U T I O N !SUBJECT TO ELECTROSTATIC DAMAGEOR DECREASE IN RELIABILITY.HANDLING PRECAUTIONS REQUIRED.JOBAIDQUAD FXOL1 CLEI: SIC2VXOK_ _L2 CLEI: SIC2VXHK_ _QUAD FXSL1 CLEI: SIC2WXOK_ _L2 CLEI: SIC2WXHK_ _TOTAL ACCESS 750 QUAD FXS/FXOTURN UP STEPSInsert card into slots 1-6 on the TA 750. The unit will automatically mapDS0s in the T1 as noted below.TIME SLOT ASSIGNMENTPhysical Slot T1 Time Slot Assigned1 1-42 5-83 9-124 13-165 17-206 21-24Verify LED sequencing. LEDs will stop sequencing once unit is initialized.Note: If the unit is inserted into a physical slot which has its timeslots allocated to the FT1(DSX-1) or Nx56/64 port, the LEDs will sequence continually, indicating a problem.The time slots must be freed up using the menu interface before the unit will becomeoperational.STATUS LEDS (GREEN) OFF On Hook✸ FLASHING Ringing (FXS only) ON Off Hook (Busy) SEQUENCING All Four Time Slots UnavailableIf factory default settings to be used for the application, then installationis complete. If further provisioning is desired proceed to step 4.FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGSThe FXS unit has factory default provisioning: FXS mode, loop start signaling andautomatic loop provisioning. The automatic loop provisioning function willautomatically set the line impedance and gain after the first off hook event.The FXO factory default settings are FXO mode and loop start signaling.If different settings are desired, the VT 100 terminal interface is used.61175408L2-22B0006Connect VT 100 compatible terminal to BCU faceplate ADMIN port4a Connect DB-9 cable4b Run terminal emulation programCraft Port Settings are as follows: 9600 Baud, No parity, 8 databits, 1 Stop bit, No flow control.4c If using Windows Hyperteminal open by selectingPrograms/Accessories/HyperterminalNote: To ensure proper display background, select VT 100 Terminal Emulation under Settings.Proceed through menus to desired access module5a select Access Modules5b select 1-6 (slot)5c select 1-4 (circuit)Note: To traverse through the menus, select the desired entry and press Enter. To work back-wards in the menu press ESC (escape key). To return to the top of the menu at any time,press the return key twice.Change port provisioning for a particular application.Note: Provisioning for a port can be copied to another port or to all similar ports.Testing - to access the test menu for an access module select test (item 4after 5c)TESTINGSelf Test Performed when the Quad FXS or FX0 is inserted into an active chassisto verify proper operation of critical circuits.Initiated Tests Digital Loopback Test – loops back DS0 data coming from the networkfor each individual channel. Network On-Hook / Off-Hook Test – tests signaling sent to the networkby the unit. Customer Ring Test (FXS only) – activates the unit’s ring relay in a 2-on /4-off ring cadence, providing ringing to the customer loop. 1000 Hz DRS Tone Generation Test – sends DRS signal on the receivepath to the loop and transmit path towards Carrier.Note: All tests except self test are initiated through the TA 750 BCU Admin Port, TA 850RCU, or TA 1500 SCU.Note: The Quad FXS is for use in the TA 750 and the TA 850.The Quad FX0 is for use in the TA 750, the TA 850, and the TA 1500.Note: The 1175408L2 is completely interchangeable with the 1175408L1.The 1175407L2 is completely interchangeable with the 1175407L1.1345672 For a complete Quad FXS I&M Practice: 877.457.5007, Document # 484. Please have your fax number available. For a complete Quad FX0 I&M Practice: 877.457.5007, Document # 485. Please have your fax number available. |
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