61181300L1-5C Section 61181300L1-5C, Issue 3 1Section 61181300L1-5CIssue 3, October 2000CLEI Code # M3O1CD0C_ _Total AccessTM QFO-CInstallation and Maintenance1. GENERALThis practice is an installation and maintenance guidefor the ADTRAN Total Access QFO-C, P/N1181300L1, illustrated in Figure 1. See Table 5 for adescription of QFO-C front panel indicators.Revision HistoryThis is the third issue of this practice. This issue includesthe removal of the four-character display (FCD)five-minute time out feature.FeaturesThe Total Access QFO-C carries up to fourasynchronous DS1 circuits over a single-mode fiberpair with an optical budget of 22 dB (minimum). TheTotal Access QFO-C has the following features:CONTENTS1. GENERAL ............................................................................ 12. INSTALLATION .................................................................. 23. OPERATION ........................................................................ 54. MAINTENANCE ................................................................ 285. WARRANTY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE ................... 28FIGURESFigure 1. Total Access QFO-C .............................................. 1Figure 2. Total Access 3000 CO Mounting Shelf ................. 5Figure 3. Fiber Optic Receiver Cabling ................................. 6Figure 4. QFO-C FCD Menu Tree ....................................... 10Figure 5. Fiber Main Menu Screen ...................................... 12Figure 6. QFO-C Configuration Screen ............................... 12Figure 7. Provisioning Screen .............................................. 13Figure 8. Service State Screen ............................................. 13Figure 9. Port Service Status Screen .................................... 14Figure 10. Provisioning of All Ports Screen .......................... 14Figure 11. DSX Equalization Screen ..................................... 15Figure 12. Loopback Timeout Screen .................................... 15Figure 13. AIS to DSX (Loss of T1) Screen ......................... 16Figure 14. AIS to DSX (FLOS) Screen ................................. 16Figure 15. Restore Factory Defaults Screen .......................... 17Figure 16. Status Screen ......................................................... 17Figure 17. Port Status Screen ................................................. 18Figure 18. Status of All Ports Screen ..................................... 18Figure 19. Alarms Screen ....................................................... 19Figure 20. Alarm Reporting Screen ....................................... 19Figure 21. Alarm Provisioning Screen .................................. 20Figure 22. ES Threshold (15-Minutes) Screen ...................... 20Figure 23. SES Threshold (15-Minutes) Screen .................... 21Figure 24. UAS Threshold (15-Minutes) Screen .................. 21Figure 25. ES Threshold (24-Hours) Screen ......................... 22Figure 26. SES Threshold (24-Hours) Screen ....................... 22Figure 27. UAS Threshold (24-Hours) Screen ...................... 23Figure 28. Test Screen ............................................................ 23Figure 29. Port Test Screen .................................................... 24Figure 30. Loopback RT Screen ............................................ 24Figure 31. Loopback DSX Screen ......................................... 25Figure 32. Performance Monitoring Screen .......................... 25Figure 33. Port Performance Monitoring Screen .................. 26Figure 34. Protection Switch Screen ..................................... 26Figure 35. Protection Switch Activate Screen ....................... 27Figure 36. Circuit ID Screen .................................................. 27Figure 37. Port Current Circuit ID Screen ............................. 28TABLESTable 1. Compliance Codes .................................................. 2Table 2. QFO-only Populated Total Access Chassis ........... 2Table 3. Pin-out for Pair 5 and 7 on TA 3000 ...................... 3Table 4. Pin-out for Pair 6 and 8 on TA 3000 ...................... 3Table 5. Pin-out for Pair 5 and 7 on TA 3010 ...................... 4Table 6. Pin-out for Pair 6 and 8 on TA 3010 ...................... 4Table 7. QFO-C Front Panel Indicators ............................... 7Trademarks: Any brand names and product names included in this document aretrademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.Figure 1. Total Access QFO-CQF0-CDSXPWRDSXDSXTSTALMACT APSGRN = NORMYEL = MAN1181300L1DSX#2#3#4#1Table 8. QFO-C Provisioning Options ................................. 8Table 9. QFO-C Menu Hierarchy ....................................... 11Table 10. QFO-C Specifications .......................................... 29